Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel


Julian Weber isanofficer inthe U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers and agraduate ofWestpoint Military Academy with adegree incivil engineering. AsU.S. involvement inAfghanistan comes toanend, Lt. Julian Weber finds himself involved inaterrorist attack bythe Taliban, which claims his life.However, hequickly finds out that death isnot always final asheisreincarnated into the body ofaBaron's son and heir inanalternate Earth set inLate-Medieval Europe. Inanera ofpolitical turmoil and civil strife, the Baron's young son isnamed Regent ofthe Barony ofKufstein and forced tocontend with feudal powers. Will hebeable toinstitute reforms leading his Barony into the age ofindustry?Orwill hesuccumb tothe pressure ofhis feudal overlords and acorrupt church that seek dominion overall?

Manga release

Input Search Chapter
