


From DramaQueen:The heroine: Ddam ShimThe heroes (maybe): DD and VenuFate brought these three together through a chance encounter at a department store lingerie department. A double D padded-bra tag with a cell numberā€¦ Sometimes, you never know what can happen if you make that callā€¦.For Ddam, making that call leads her to a night club dive where DD is the punk rocker DJ and Venu is the decoration. These two have more going for them than Ddam first thought: like how DD waxes poetic about a girlā€™s eyelashes and Venu downplays his good looks by focusing on the importance ofā€¦big breasts.Since Ddam has her own idiosyncratic behavior to deal with (she talks to cows, among other things), being with these two unrepentant, semi-uncouth, not-bad-bad boys, could be what she needs to help her get out of her funk and maybe figure out what lifeā€™s aboutā€¦ Although DD and Venu arenā€™t the sharpest wits around, thereā€™s something about them that makes Ddam want to live.-Please visit Entropy's website

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