The Main Characters That Only I Know - C.302:


The promotion ceremony was held as usual, with a moderate size.

It was neither too flashy nor too shabby.

Yu-hyun’s appearance, who had climbed up to the position of the youngest deputy director after being the youngest assistant manager and manager, was not surprising to the other tellers anymore.

It was him.

It was Kang Yu-hyun.

They shrugged off the rumor that he had become a Deputy Director.

They had expected this day to come someday.

Of course, there were some tellers who did not care much about him, as he felt like a distant star to them. But on the other hand, there were also those who were wary and jealous of his rapid promotion.

Even those people could not confront him directly, and they only glanced at him with distrustful eyes from afar.

[This concludes the promotion ceremony.]

The gathered tellers dispersed in different directions.

Some gathered to congratulate those they knew who had been promoted, and some left to deal with their own work as mere spectators.

Yu-hyun received formal compliments from among the scattering tellers.

Most of them were managers, and they envied his fast promotion while hoping to impress him and get some benefits from him.

“Hehe. Deputy Director Kang Yu-hyun. You are really amazing. How can you rise so fast?”

“I’m Adumra, a manager from the support department. If you find the library too big and uncomfortable, how about using our department’s teller

The fact that Yu-hyun did not belong to any department was very attractive to the other tellers.

It was like a jewel rolling around on the street without an owner.

What they overlooked was that the jewel had the power to repel anyone who approached it, and it was much smarter than them.

“Excuse me, but can you please step aside for a moment? My junior also got promoted today, and I want to congratulate her.”

“Oh, sure. We must have bothered you for no reason.”

The tellers who had gathered dispersed at Yu-hyun’s polite tone.

Yu-hyun sighed and looked for Celine.

“Ah, senior.”

“Congratulations, Assistant Manager Celine.”

Celine was standing alone in a corner where no one’s eyes reached, without receiving any congratulations from anyone.

She had never been properly affiliated with any place, and more importantly, she had only become an assistant manager as a regular employee, so no one was very impressed.

It was natural to become an assistant manager if you had time.

But considering that the art department was especially fast in promotion, and that the support department was the slowest, Celine’s promotion was also exceptional.

“I feel uneasy even when I hear such words from you or someone else.”

“It’s not sarcasm, it’s real praise. You can be purely happy.”

“It’s not a situation to be purely happy, is it?”

Celine asked subtly while looking at Yu-hyun.

Even though she said so verbally, her eyes were asking for confirmation from Yu-hyun.

They had made a promise before they came here.

They agreed to have a few words with each other after the promotion ceremony.

And the next step was, starting from now.

Celine said to Yu-hyun in a cold voice.

“I’m sick of the support department work. I’m going to the art department.”

“Are you sure? Moving departments is not a good thing for you.”

“I didn’t learn anything from you anyway. I’ve been thinking about this from the beginning.”

Some of the tellers who were about to leave heard their sharp conversation.

‘What? Are Assistant Manager Celine and Deputy Director Kang Yu-hyun fighting right now?’

‘I thought Assistant Manager Celine had been working as Deputy Director Kang’s assistant and they were close. Could it be that it wasn’t?’

‘Well. Deputy Director Kang didn’t have no allies for nothing. He had skills, but his personality must have been very self-righteous. Tsk tsk.’

As they were talking, their conversation continued.

There were several exchanges that seemed to cut each other sharply, though not passionately.

Eventually, when a lot of eyes gathered around them, Celine moved.

She turned her back on Yu-hyun and walked out of the banquet hall with rough steps.

Yu-hyun did not stop her, but stood still and watched her disappearing back.

Anyone who saw it would only think that they had fought, a suspicious scene.

‘That should be enough.’

As Yu-hyun was about to leave the banquet hall, two burly tellers blocked his way.

“Are you Manager Kang Yu-hyun? No, Deputy Director Kang Yu-hyun?”

“Yeah. What is it?”

“You’ll have to come with us for a moment.”

Their tone was polite, but their voice was not.

They looked like inspection tellers, and Yu-hyun realized that what he had vaguely expected had happened.

It would only hurt his image if he resisted in this situation.

Yu-hyun nodded.

“Fine. Lead the way. I’m not going anywhere anyway.”

The two tellers exchanged glances when Yu-hyun agreed to follow them, and then turned around and moved.

Yu-hyun followed them with a leisurely pace.

As soon as he left the banquet hall, he met Celine’s eyes in the nearby corridor.

The two exchanged glances for a brief moment, and then turned their heads as if nothing had happened.

While following the inspection tellers, Yu-hyun recalled the promotion ceremony that had just taken place.

‘I knew that some of the tellers with high positions didn’t show up, but this time there were unusually few of them.’

At the promotion ceremony, a few directors showed up. But since it was a special occasion, some of the tellers with some status took turns in their roles.

But this time, there were no directors at all.

Even though it was a Deputy Director’s promotion ceremony, which was hard to come by once in ten years.

‘They must have been too busy to attend.’


The inspection teller stopped in front of a large door.

Their role was up to here, and they stood on both sides of the entrance with their backs straight.

Yu-hyun shrugged his shoulders and opened the door and went inside.

The interior was a large circular conference hall.

Yu-hyun looked around the inside of the conference hall, and he could see where all the tellers above the director level had gone.

‘They were all here.’

All kinds of different-looking tellers were looking at him standing in the center of the stage.

Yu-hyun thought it was a conference hall when he first entered, but he realized it wasn’t when he felt the eyes around him.

It was closer to a court than a conference hall.

Yu-hyun stood in the center, and the tellers sitting on several layers of tables around him were judging him.

Yu-hyun glanced at several tellers.

They were all formidable people with dazzling books.

Among them, there were quite a few who were familiar with Yu-hyun.

‘Celestina Director is here too, and so is Galliaz. And those who have books mixed with rainbow colors are above director level, executives?’

Not all executives would have gathered here, but it wasn’t too few either.

The attention and gaze of the high-ranking officials were very heavy.

Even Yu-hyun, who didn’t flinch even when facing a first-generation Divine Spirit, felt tense from the pressure of the space itself.

But he didn’t want to show any weakness, so he straightened his back and looked straight ahead.

He had an idea of what their intention was for calling him here, but he couldn’t act like he knew already.

‘But it’s amazing. They even called Galliaz, who had already retired from the front line. Is it because of his seniority?’

Or maybe this place was important enough to call him.

Yu-hyun had enough clues to feel that.

‘The executives are gathered here, but they seem to be waiting for something.’

They were good at hiding their emotions, so they didn’t show any signs, but there was something called atmosphere.

The atmosphere of this court was not fully ripe yet.

Even though Yu-hyun had arrived, there was still one last piece missing here.

‘That last piece is


At that moment, a rough cracking sound spread throughout the court.

At the same time, the atmosphere that had not been ripe until now changed densely.

Without any murmuring noise, the tellers who had been sitting still rose to their feet.

[The Chairman is Coming.]

Who said that?

No, it didn’t matter who said it as soon as that name came up.

At the same time, another door opposite to the one Yu-hyun entered opened wide and revealed a figure.


The first thing he felt was the overwhelming presence and the dazzling light that filled his eyes.

He had met countless beings, but he had never seen a book that emitted such intense light, except for Michael.

Behind the book’s light, a being with a cane walked slowly into the court.

He had a hunched back and relied on his cane to walk, but he didn’t look shabby at all, even though he was over 5m tall.

His black and bulky clothes looked like a black waterfall flowing from his shoulders to the floor.

His religious attire was plain without any ornaments or fringes, but it didn’t look light and rather felt devout.

His hand holding the cane was very large and long, and dried up.

His face also looked like he was wearing a huge plaster mask, not a normal human face.

Behind his cracked and crumbly face, his white hair flowed like the wind and his beard was so long that it almost touched the floor.

‘The author, Chairman Lotfiout.’

Compared to Oelo he had seen before, he felt sorry for Oelo, but the other one felt much closer to a transcendent being.

The chairman scanned the audience with his sharp eyes.

The tellers who stood up were still as if time had frozen.

The chairman sat down in his exclusive seat and then the tense atmosphere loosened up a bit.

The tellers all sat down and the chairman looked at Yu-hyun who stood in the center of the court with his cane.

“Let’s begin.”


A turtle-like teller who assisted the chairman nodded his head.

“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come here.”

“I came because you called me, but what’s going on?”

“The chairman came too.”

Some tellers who didn’t know why asked the turtle teller who was the host.

“I called the board members and directors, but I didn’t make the agenda.”

“Then, who did

“It’s me.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to the source of the voice.

There was Demiarios, who had a head of a two-legged creature and sat quietly in his seat.

“Director Demiarios.”

“What’s going on? Why are we gathering like this?”

“First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming here without missing anyone. I know you are all busy, so I will make it quick.”

Demiarios got up from his seat and walked slowly down to the center of the court where Yu-hyun stood.

“Manager Kang Yu-hyun. No, you got promoted today, so you are now Deputy Director Kang Yu-hyun. Do you know why you are here?”

“Hmm. I don’t know.”

“Is that so? I don’t know if you are pretending or really don’t know, but you don’t have to be too curious. This situation will end soon anyway.”

He spoke very politely and softly, but his emotion in his twisted red eyes was not like that.

A creepy aura.

It was not a crude aura that meant to kill someone, but an aura of a spider that slowly approached its prey caught in its web.

Yu-hyun felt that this circular court surrounded him was like a web.

Web court.

And he was the prey that flew into the center of it.

“You must be curious. Who is this teller and why is he standing here? And why did I come forward?”

Some of them looked curious at Demiarios’ words, but some of them who knew him well looked disgusted.

Especially, Director Celestina and Director Utata’s reactions were obvious.

“Hey. Director Demiarios. You said you would make it quick, but you are talking nonsense. Don’t beat around the bush and tell us what you called us for.”

“Haha. That’s what I was going to do.”

Demiarios laughed and shrugged off the provocation.

“A lot of things happened recently. The earth, a huge world, regained its value and the Divine Spirits became interested in it. The earth, which was once labeled as unqualified and on the verge of extinction, came back to life and started to show more potential for stories than other dimensions.”

Everyone nodded their heads as they heard about the earth, which anyone with good ears would hear about.

Chairman Lotfiout also listened quietly to his words.

“And this Kang Yu-hyun deputy standing here is the teller who has the largest library in that earth. In fact, he is the one who led the potential of the world called earth.”

‘But’ his voice changed.

Yu-hyun frowned and waited for what Demiarios would say next.

“What if I told you that this whole process was actually made by someone? Would you believe me?”

Demiarios dropped a bombshell in front of the chairman.

“I’m here to reveal the ugly truth of Teller Kang Yu-hyun.”

