The Academy’s Time Stop Player - C.159Mar 03, 2024


This content is taken from π™›π™§π™šπ™šπ”€π™šπ“«π’π“Έπ“Ώπ™šπ’.𝓬𝓸𝓢

TL/Editor: looloo

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Here

join the discord! Here

A few days after the Poisoner terrorist incident, while Hajoon was enjoying a peaceful break, the internet was in turmoil.

It was because news had spread across the country that two S-rank villains, who had been a disaster for Korea, were killed by a hero in just a few days.

The deaths of the Corpse Collector and Poisoner Sacheol within a few months had been enough to significantly stir up Korea.

Wow... this is unbelievable.

How can someone catch two S-rank villains in just a few months?

That's really impressive...

At this rate, Korea becoming a villain-free country might not be a dream anymore?

Seriously, I heard villains in Korea are now fleeing abroad.

Right, I heard the Hero Association just confirmed it?

Wow thank you, Irregular.

I lost my parents to Poisoner's terrorism seven years ago. You might never read this, Irregular, but I'm truly grateful.

Naturally, Hajoon's actions had a significant impact on the villains.

The Hero Associations of various countries, including Korea, had detected the situation of the villains fleeing abroad. However, most of these fleeing villains were already residing overseas.

The Villain Alliance in Korea, once the peace symbol of the country under Choi Jungwon, was an assembly of talents gathered from various countries.

"The rate of terrorism has halved since Poisoner's death."

Association President Kim Jeongyong, with a gentle smile, opened the conversation with Hajoon.

He had come to Hajoon's house with something to say and, surprisingly, it was not bad news.

The rate of terrorism in Korea had halved since Poisoner's death, and illegal villains had been returning to their countries using gates.

It was as if Korea's villain crisis had come to an end.

"I was wondering what to do when I first assessed the situation in Korea. It's very fortunate that it's resolved like this, but there's a slightly bothersome issue."

With those words, Kim Jeongyong handed Hajoon a document, his expression suddenly troubled. fre

"What is this?" Hajoon asked, looking at the document.

"We've received cooperation requests from the associations of various countries. They've detected A-rank villains illegally entering places including San Francisco, India, and Russia."

Requests for cooperation had come from four countries.

They wanted to capture the illegally entered villains quickly, now that they had located them. The gates, which allowed movement without distance limitations, were as useful for villains as they were for others.

However, Hajoon couldn't help but ask, puzzled.

"You're sending cooperation requests for mere A-rank villains?"

He couldn't understand why they would send such requests for just A-rank villains, when it made sense for S-rank.

Are the heroes in those countries all defeated?

Hajoon looked at Kim Jeongyong with a puzzled expression, prompting him to explain.

"Actually, not only you, Hajoon, but Han Siyoung has also received a request for cooperation. They are A-rank villains, but troublesome ones with transformation-type abilities."

"Ah, the Unchained?"

"Yes. Transformation abilities vary in how they can be countered, depending on what they transform into. These villains' abilities are probably troublesome enough to warrant a cooperation request. Of course, we've informed them that the hero 'Irregular' isn't affiliated with our association, but... are you considering going?"

Without any hesitation, Hajoon answered.


"Uh... may I ask why?"

Kim Jeongyong was curious, having somewhat expected a refusal, but Hajoon's response was too prompt. Hajoon pondered a bit before answering.

There were many reasons to simply answer.

It was bothersome to help in various ways, he didn't want to help, and it was ridiculous to ask for help from countries that had even issued entry bans. But stating such reasons would make him seem petty.

So, Hajoon casually mentioned a less significant reason.

"I have exams next week."



Raei Translations


Time flowed like a river, and a month passed.

That afternoon, after the academy's classes ended, Hajoon was in Principal Riella's office, having been summoned by her.

"What's the matter?"

"Hmm, exactly as you said."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten already?"

Riella, with an incredulous expression, handed Hajoon a list.

It was then that Hajoon realized what she was talking about.

"It's the class re-evaluation list."

"Yes, the evaluation is already over. Everyone failed."

Riella frowned at this.

She had expected at least one or two to pass, but not that all 50 would fail.

She clicked her tongue as if it was the end of the world.

"Really, it's unbelievable... Well, I did investigate as you suggested. But oddly, there was nothing suspicious. No signs of them taking strange drugs or anything."

She crossed her arms, pondering and sighing.

Suddenly, as if something occurred to her, she asked Hajoon.

"Oh, right. Do you believe in God?"


Riella chuckled at his quick response.

After all, he seemed the least likely person to be involved with religion.

"I heard from some kids during the investigation. They met a girl in their dreams who claimed to be a god and granted their wishes the next day. I ignored it as nonsensical babble, but there's been a rumor lately."

"What rumor?"

"What I just mentioned. Now, not only the lower classes but also the special and upper classes have kids who've had that dream."

"So, did their wishes really come true?"

"Who knows? But since there are kids whose wishes did come true, such rumors are spreading. Do you have any guesses?"

"Yes, it sounds like something to do with the Altar."

"The Altar? That cult?"

The last chapter of Haruna Ruel's episode, 'God'.


Raei Translations


The being worshipped by the Altar as 'God' had finally revealed itself.

Considering the source of its power, it was clear that it had begun its work.

"So, it's their doing... Hmm, if it really is the work of the Altar, we can't just let it slide."

"The association is also searching for their location."

"We'll continue our investigation too. There might be an insider."

Hajoon nodded at that.

Honestly, he knew there was no insider, but something might still turn up during the investigation.

"I'll be going now."

"Alright, good work."

With those words and a slight bow, Hajoon left the principal's office and headed back to the dormitory.

That night, Hajoon was having a strange dream.

'Is this a lucid dream?'

It was a pure white space.

There was absolutely nothing in it.

Strangely, he was aware that this was a dream.

He tried to wake up, knowing it was a dream, but couldn't seem to do so.

In that bizarre space, Hajoon sat down quietly on the floor, looking around as if waiting for someone.

Once he became aware it was a dream, it seemed likely that someone was behind this phenomenon.

After waiting for a while...


A girl's voice echoed.

Hajoon turned towards the direction of the voice and narrowed his eyes.

The girl looked all too familiar.

"I wanted to see you."


It had the appearance of his sister. πŸπ—Ώπžπžπ˜„πžπ—―π§π—Όπ˜ƒπžπ—Ή.𝗰𝗼𝐦

But Hajoon knew it wasn't Elaine, but another being.

"Are you God?" Hajoon asked.

"Yes, that's right. I want to talk. Will you listen for a bit?"

What could be her intention...?

After pondering for a moment, Hajoon nodded.

Pleased with his response, she smiled and spoke.

"This place is a bit boring for a conversation, isn't it? Shall we change things up?"

With those words, she waved her hand through the air.

The world around them started to change.

From a stark white space to a forest near a waterfall, overflowing with lush nature.

It was transforming into a space that seemed authentic with a shining sun and cool breeze that felt real.

She stepped forward in this space.

Hajoon silently followed her.

Soon, they arrived in front of the waterfall.

She waved her hand in the air again, and like paint being applied to something invisible, a sofa and desk appeared near the rock by the waterfall.

She sat leisurely on the sofa and gestured for Hajoon to sit on the opposite one.

Understanding her gesture, Hajoon quietly took a seat across from her.

"Are you not hungry?"

She waved her hand once more.

Cookies and a tea set appeared on the desk.

She took a leisurely sip of her tea and then spoke.

"Let's see... You're the Irregular, right?"


"I've been watching you for a while. You're quite remarkable, aren't you? It's fascinating to see a human with such power."

"What do you want to say?"

Hajoon ignored the trivial praise and pressed for the main point.

At his question, her eyes began to curve enchantingly.

"Haruna Ruel, to protect that child, you've interfered with many things."

As she spoke, her appearance began to change constantly.

Her whole body shimmered and, at one point, transformed into the likeness of Haruna Ruel.

"That's why I was curious. Honestly, she's just a classmate to you, with no other connection. I wondered if you had a reason to risk your life for her. Of course, I think I know the reason to some extent. You probably know my true identity, right?"

Hajoon showed no reaction.

He just looked at her with a calm gaze, listening to see how far she would go.

Despite his response, she continued to smile leisurely.

She continued, "But, you know, none of that matters now."


"I've decided to forgive you. I'll forget all the ways you've interfered so far."

She began to smile broadly.

A bright, innocent smile.

Then, she finally spoke of her intention.

"I'll grant you a wish. I have the power to make anything happen. But in return, I want you."


At this, Hajoon let out a hollow laugh.

Despite his laugh, she continued to smile mercifully.

"Yes, that's right. Take my side."

"Join the Altar?"

"No, not the Altar. Me."

At her response, Hajoon's eyebrow twitched slightly.

And the following words were in stark contrast to her merciful appearance.

"If you want, you can kill all of them in the Altar. I'll allow it."

"You don't mind if your followers die?"

"Yes, because you are worth that much. And there's no human as strong as you."

Even at this answer, Hajoon's expression remained indifferent.

A bored look, as if disinterested in everything.

Even seeing this expression, she didn't give up and spoke again.

"Money, fame, power. You have everything, so you might think you want nothing. But surely there's something. Unless you're a sage who has transcended everything, and as long as you're still human, you must have at least one desire hidden within. Tell me everything you want. I'll even listen if you ask to expand one wish into a hundred. Or else..."

Her eyes drew a captivating arc.

"Shall I bring that human back to life?"


"Representative Han Taehwan, who passed away a few days ago. You seemed to care about him, didn't you?"

Hajoon remained silent at her words.

But there was a slight change in him.

Hajoon rested his chin on his hand, leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

He looked at her with weary eyes and said, "Enough with this pathetic playing as a God, don't you think?"


"Your origin isn't something that could be called a 'God.'"

At his words, her lips slowly curled upwards.

The merciful appearance she had maintained until now completely disappeared, replaced by a chilling smile.

She spoke, "As expected... you knew, didn't you? But here's the thing. Here, I am a God."

At her answer, Hajoon let out a scoff - a laugh bordering on mockery.

With that scoff and simultaneously,

An aura-like surge of magical energy emanated from Hajoon's body.

At that moment,


The warm sun that was shining down, the cool breeze that was blowing, the lush trees of nature, and the clear sound of the waterfall all vanished in an instant.

The only sight left was a mountain made of bones.

The blowing wind turned fierce and howling.

The comforting sun in the sky had somehow transformed into a chillingly red moon.

Within this scene,

[Congratulations. You've succeeded in ruining my mood.]

The sofa where Hajoon had been sitting had turned into a throne made of bones.

Golden energy flickered in Hajoon's gleaming eyes.

He glared at her and twisted his lips roughly as he spoke.

[Go ahead, do as you wish. Prove you're truly a god.]


