Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady - C.530 - To Whom Does the Woe Move?

Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

C.530 - To Whom Does the Woe Move?

Chapter 530 To Whom Does the Woe Move?

“Our Sheriff Master will blush and gasp when she walks fast!” Shufei grunted behind him.

Looking at Wei Yuewu’s pale face in her calmness, Wei Yue Jiao’s entire face changed, she opened her mouth to pick up the words, but she couldn’t.

“Hahahahaha!” Yan Huaijing, who carried his usual warm and elegant smile, would be laughing without any attention to image.

” Wei Yuejiao’s face turned red and green.

“Go down!” Wei Lovin coldly flung his sleeve and snapped, conscious that Wei Yuejiao had come to disgrace herself, not only did she not know sisterly love, but she also so plainly defamed Dancer, which really chilled his heart.

Originally also thought Wei Yuejiao into the fourth prince’s residence, the final outcome of the end feel poor, this will feel that such an outcome, or is the best, otherwise to Wei Yuejiao’s nature of mind by then I am afraid that even how to die still do not know.

“Father, it wasn’t me 
 I really chased hard!” Wei Yuejiao still wanted to argue.

Unable to help a few people in the study room not one of them look at her smoothly, even Wen Tianyao can not help but coldly snort, “Wei third miss, you run all the way over here, not gasping for breath and not red in the face, but can not see half of it? Jing De County Lord’s condition is still diagnosed by the palace’s eunuchs, you look like you’re doubting the eunuchs’ medical skills?”

“Your Highness, I 
 I really just mean well?” Wei Yuejiao na na na explained.

“Good intentions, or watching a good show? Does third miss want to see the scene of me using the sweets and then lashing out at Jingde county princess? Third Miss, the royal family is again jealous of such matters of right and wrong, in the future when you enter the fourth brother’s imperial residence, I hope that Third Miss will remember this matter, or else it will be more than just a matter between sisters when the time comes!”

Wen Tianyao for the Wei three miss really look at the eye, things are basically clear now, no matter who are two people are not red, not gasping look is very calm over, there is no Wei Yuejiao said in the back to catch up.

Wei Yuewu’s poor health was also something that was recognized by everyone, a few days ago she had fallen ill and now even though she was able to walk, it went without saying that she was unable to run.

And like the two of them such as the world’s young lady, long time in the boudoir, a little run will be gasping and blushing, and how can a no reaction.

Wen Tianyao’s words almost did not leave Wei Yuejiao with half an ounce of emotion, after finishing his robe sleeve, he directly turned his head and did not want to look at her again.

Wei Yuejiao was ashamed and indignant, turned to Wei Lovin for help, but saw his cold gaze sweeping over, and for a moment tears were falling from her eyes, “But 
 but this dim sum 

“Since Third Miss Wei knows that this dim sum cannot be used by His Highness the Crown Prince, yet she doesn’t rush over and only slowly follows behind to see the county princess send it in, could it be that she’s just waiting to see a good show?” Yan Huaijing smiled leisurely, the corners of his incredibly handsome lips hooked, completely looking like he was watching a good show.

Then he “tsked” twice and stopped talking.

“Your Royal Highness, I really don 
 t know,” Wei Yuejiao which dares to admit this point of his mind, the whole person trembled and said.

“I’m actually more curious about how Fourth Miss Wei knew? Why did Fourth Miss Wei only tell Third Miss Wei, but not the Sheriff?”

Yan Huaijing always knew when to favor Wei Yuewu a bit, and almost without Wei Yuewu saying anything, this gentle and elegant jade-like male had badgered things in favor of Wei Qiufu.

Wen Tianyao’s face grew more and more sullen and cold.

Wei Qiufu has not yet entered the Prince’s residence, and can actually inquire about her own preferences? This is not even some of their own personal affairs, she has inquired clearly, a boudoir of the thousand gold, actually have this means!

“Jiao girl, you go down!” Wei Lovin said in a cold voice.

“Father, I really do not know anything, originally this matter is also the fourth sister told me, I 
” Wei Yuejiao at this time is actually difficult to self-justification, stumped for a time I can’t find the words to explain.

But she didn’t forget to pull Wei Qiufu down.

Wei Yuewu stood on the side, face cold look at the Wei Yue Jiao, heart cold smile, Wei Yue Jiao branch Well mentioned Wei Qiufu, in fact, let a person doubt this is not related to Wei Qiufu, is not Wei Qiufu instigated Wei Yue Jiao.

Wei Qiufu wanted to frame herself from a distance, did she really think that a leaf wouldn’t touch her?

“Go, invite Fourth Miss over!” Wei Lovin said nonchalantly, no matter what Wei Yuejiao was always her own daughter.

“Marquis Hua Yang doesn’t need to go and call, I understand!” Wen Tianyao, however, reached out and stopped Wei Lovin.

The deep meaning in the words certainly indicated that this Wei Qiu Fu must have inserted a foot, otherwise this Wei Third Miss wouldn’t have been taking Wei Qiu Fu to say something, and it seems like it should have been this Wei Fourth Miss who said the same thing about herself.

The heart was truly displeased, but because it was separated by the Third Prince, Wen Tianyao did not wish to make a big deal out of it!

Since Wen Tianyao blocked, Wei Luo naturally give the Prince a face, although for his niece to participate in their own daughter’s things very unhappy, but also can not take Wei Qiufu how to do, after all, Wei Qiufu’s identity is not the same as in the past, but also bear the identity of the Crown Prince of the East Palace Liang Di.

“Jiao girl, you go down first!” Wei Lovin said in a cold voice.

“Father, I 
” Wei Yuejiao still wanted to explain, but helplessly Wei Lovin here did not allow her to humiliate herself here any longer, and made a wink towards the granny standing to the side.

The granny came up and dragged Wei Yuejiao, while still politely persuading, “Third Miss, the Marquis has guests here, you go back first, and wait for the Marquis to finish seeing off the guests before saying anything.”

This was said with extreme politeness, but the men were not polite, the roughly made granny was very strong in two ways, and Wei Yuejiao didn’t dare to struggle hard, and in one go, Wei Yuejiao was pulled out.

“Father, Mai’er also excuses herself!” Wei Yuewu softly excused herself.

“You go down as well!” Wei Lovin nodded grimly.

 this pastry 
” Wei Yuewu reached out and pointed to the untouched pastry on the table.

“Someone come, send the pastries back, just say that these pastries are too sweet.” As soon as he remembered that today’s events were all caused by these pastries, Wei Lunwen was furious.

The boy came over to pack up all the pastries on the table and put them back into the food basket, the little maid of Jingxinxuan timidly came over and wanted to carry the basket, but was stopped by the boy’s hand.

The boy picked up the food basket and flew towards Jing Xin Xuan.

Wei Yuewu here naturally excused herself and went out, walking back unhurriedly.

After turning around an intersection, Shufei really couldn’t help himself and stepped forward and lowered his voice to ask, “Sheriff Master, how do you know that His Highness the Crown Prince doesn’t like sweets?”

“Guess!” Wei Yuewu smiled faintly.

“How can 
 this matter be guessed?” Shu Fei was a bit dumbfounded, could the preferences of His Highness the Crown Prince still be guessed?

This Wei Yuewu did not answer and looked up at the road behind the cloister, wordlessly evoking a touch of ghostly coldness.

Pastry thing, in fact, the cause or Wei Qiufu a strong boast of the pastry of the Dowager Lady delicious, the Dowager Lady will remember to send snacks to the father’s study, the original is to curry favor with the Prince Wen Tianyao meaning, but this is not only did not get good, but also caused Wei Yuejiao was kicked out of the study, the father will be angry, so that the boy to mention back.

Before and after such a thought, Mrs. Tai will not understand, the heart so think, foot slightly accelerated a few points.

“Miss, you’re not in good health, do you want to take a rest?” Shu Fei reminded when he saw Wei Yuewu’s feet speeding up.

“No matter, if we go late, we will have to find us!” Wei Yuewu laughed if she had a point!

Mrs. Tai’s Jing Xin Xuan, seeing the food basket that was brought back by the boy, and then listening to the words of Wei Luo Wen conveyed by the boy, Mrs. Tai’s face became worse and worse, her eyes coldly swept through the crowd, and finally landed on Wei Qiu Fu’s face.

Wei Qiu Ju on one side hurriedly lowered her head as soon as she saw that the situation was bad.

Wei Ziyang’s eyes also thoughtfully fell on Wei Qiufu’s body, for this cousin, Wei Ziyang actually do not feel very familiar, in past years is also in the New Year’s time to get together, looks elegant and dignified, he also once took her and the second sister comparison, lessons second sister can not be too savage, now it seems that the fourth sister is afraid that this is not really dignified and elegant.

The so-called good reputation is false by eight or nine points, I think!

Wei Qiu Fu’s face also changed a little, she also did not expect things to be like this, the eldest uncle put the food basket let the boy carry back, should be guessed what, angry up, otherwise it is impossible to so do not give the face of the dowager lady.

Raising her head, she met Wei Ziyang’s thoughtful gaze, and was busy revealing a gentle smile, the title of Marquis of Huayang would 80% fall on Wei Ziyang’s body, for such a powerful figure of Marquis of Huayang’s house, Wei Qiufu didn’t feel that she could be offended.

“Go down first, and order the kitchen to re-make the pastries, not too sweet treats!” The dowager lady coldly ordered.

The boy answered the order to go down.

“The dowager lady 
” At a glance at the dowager lady’s bad look, Nanny Hong whispered.

“Bang!” The dowager lady’s blood rolled over, her hand reached out and directly whisked a cup of tea on the table, immediately the people in the room were holding their breath, the atmosphere was very tense.

“Each and every one of them have grown up and will play with heart eyes, actually dare to take me for a ride, this is not yet out of the Marquis of Huayang, but dare to do such a thing, when out of the Marquis of Huayang will not be able to use the entire Marquis of Huayang as a stepping stone.” The dowager lady coldly glared at Wei Qiufu, angry.

“Grandmother, Fu’er really thinks this pastry is delicious!” Wei Qiufu knelt down with a thud, her eyes filled with tears.

She will know that things are going to be bad, Mrs. This must feel that they are picking a fight, the third house in the Marquis of Huayang, can rely on or Mrs. Of course, can not be offended by Mrs..

“Grandmother, Fu’er most love grandmother here pastries, but do not know that big uncle do not like, big uncle has not been the capital, Fu’er do not know big uncle’s hobbies, that is why Fang did not remind grandmother, thought that big uncle with Fu’er the same, love to eat this pastries, but 
 but Fu’er do not know clearly, the three elder sister, the three Sister 

Wei Qiu Fu tearful aggrieved explanation, such an explanation with her pitiful look, naturally led the words to Wei Yue Jiao’s body, compared to Wei Qiu Fu, Wei Yue Jiao of course, familiar with Wei Luo’s preferences, and the thing that the pastries on the side of the dowager lady will be sweeter, Wei Yue Jiao is also aware of it.

Wei Qiufu would have to direct the scourge onto Wei Yuejiao this time.

“Go invite Third Miss over!” The dowager lady’s face was furious as she rushed Nanny Hong to the side and snapped.

“Mrs. Tai, don’t be in a hurry, the slave girl will immediately send someone to find Third Miss!” As soon as Nanny Hong took a look at the dowager lady’s face, she knew that she was furious and hurriedly agreed.

 you have to be the Lord for Jiao Er ah!” Her side of the words have not yet spoken, the door a cry, Wei Yuejiao sleeves cover the face, crying pounced in, straight to the front of Mrs. Tai, “punt” a kneeling, hands immediately on the knees of Mrs. Tai!

