Reborn with Steve Stand - C.583: Planet Eater Shovel

Reborn with Steve Stand

C.583: Planet Eater Shovel

"Haha, I've shipped out!"

Upon witnessing the skyward burst of colorful light, Fang Mo immediately let out an unearthly cheer.

After opening so many boxes, he had now roughly summarized his experience: Generally, white light indicated average quality, gold light was slightly better, and multicolored was essentially hitting the jackpot.

"Hmm, let's see what cute little thing I've drawn this time..."

Fang Mo eagerly rubbed his hands together and then intently glanced into Steve's inventory.

But just one glance.

He was instantly stunned.

Because right there in Steve's inventory... quietly lay a multicolored shovel.


Seeing the shovel seemed to momentarily blank his mind.

Of course, very quickly, a wave of ecstasy surged through him—yes, he was all too familiar with this item, for this was indeed the "Avaritia" endgame equipment!

Within the "Avaritia" mod.

Apart from the "Sword of the Cosmos," which obliterated everything, other weapons included the "Longbow of the Heavens" and the rather lackluster "Skullfire Sword." Beyond these, there were just some tools—besides the most powerful "World BreakerPickaxe," there were the "Nature's Ruin Axe," the "Hoe of the Green Earth," and the "Planet Eater Shovel."

Fang Mo had already drawn the endgame weapon "Longbow of the Heavens" while at Marvel.

Unexpectedly, this single draw now brought another miracle—a "Planet Eater Shovel."

In the game, the shovel might seem unimpressive, only digging up sand-like blocks within a large range, but remember, this is reality... and here, its effects are terrifying.

Considering the previous effect of "Longbow of the Heavens."

Assuming heaven is a different dimension, like Diablo's high-tier heaven or similar to other dungeons called heaven, with one arrow shot by Fang Mo, it could genuinely shatter the entire heaven.

That makes it aptly named "Longbow of the Heavens," doesn't it?

And this "Planet Eater Shovel"... Fang Mo suspected it would truly live up to its name.

Goodness gracious.

+1 to the means of destroying the world.


Thinking of this, Fang Mo took a deep breath.

To be honest, he was somewhat eager to test the effects of this item, but there were still six lucky blocks left, so he ought to finish those first.

With a slight movement of his thoughts.

Fang Mo directly controlled Steve to right-click six times.

Accompanied by a flurry of light, Steve's inventory again filled with various items.

Fang Mo glanced over them quickly; probably because the "Planet Eater Shovel" had used up all his luck, the remaining items were rather mundane—two chunks of flesh, a book of life enchantment, an oil spring block, a cup of feces, and a specimen item 115.

"What kind of stuff is this..."

Seeing these bizarre items, Fang Mo's eye twitched, barely suppressing his urge to comment.

The flesh is a test weapon material from Tinkers' Construct, something to be played with in making a sword later on.

The book of life enchantment was also acceptable, allowing tools to gain self-awareness as a special enchantment.

As for the oil spring block, if Fang Mo remembered correctly, this item seemed to be from the BuildCraft mod, with the same hardness and appearance as bedrock, but it generates a cubic meter of oil above it, continuing to produce even if depleted.

"Hmm, America's military fun spring..."

Fang Mo also gave his objective assessment of this item.

Of course, these four items were still normal, but this fifth item... what the heck is this cup? And considering the material, maybe this cup is even made of gold.

Some leftover cup war.

As for the last item, experimental item 115, it was relatively normal compared to the others.

This item from the Twilight Forest looked like cake, normally just a small piece, but if placed on the ground to form a large cake, after eating a piece, it would regenerate after a while, a "eat one, grow one" setup.

In fact, among the pile of items Fang Mo had drawn this time.

If one had to say, there were still quite a few that could be studied a bit.

But right now, Fang Mo's mind was filled with Avaritia items, after all, these were endgame equipment, in front of which other items naturally paled in comparison.

"Never mind, let's not bother with these for now."

Seeing this, Fang Mo shook his head and quickly made a decision: "…Let's just try this thing out first."

Considering the strength issue of the Avaritia items, Fang Mo didn't dare to test it right there, but like before, he decided to try it elsewhere.

After thinking for a bit.

Fang Mo directly stumbled as he began drawing a teleportation portal.

And as a bizarre square portal slowly opened, the other end revealed the endless dark expanse of space.

Fang Mo didn't hesitate.

He directly took Steve and stepped into it.

After entering space, Fang Mo looked around for a moment, soon spotting the blue planet beneath his feet—Earth, of course.

And nearby, the gray-white satellite was slowly orbiting it.


Fang Mo fixed his gaze on the moon, and the next second, spatial teleportation activated.

The positioning error of the portal was quickly corrected by Fang Mo, and he successfully landed on a pale expanse of lunar rock.


Although there is no air on the moon, thanks to the Evertide amulet's immunity to suffocation, Fang Mo could still breathe freely even in a vacuum.

And after taking a deep breath to calm down.

Fang Mo slowly raised his hand, touching the "Planet Eater Shovel" in Steve's hand.

The next second, the ability materialized, a bright light flashed, and Fang Mo felt a sudden heaviness in his hand, the ground under his feet instantly cracked, blasting a large pit.

But fortunately, Fang Mo was prepared.

Feeling the tool in his hand as heavy as mountains, he immediately activated the gravitational field.

With the harmony of the Void Ring, this tool finally calmed down, and Fang Mo was able to closely observe the appearance of this weapon.

It was a beautifully shaped round-headed shovel.

About two meters long, the handle was made of a purely black substance.

This pure black substance felt exceptionally smooth to the touch but unexpectedly did not reflect any images, instead absorbing all light, making it seem as if Fang Mo was holding a rift in space.

As for the shovel head.

It was emitting a strange light.

This wasn't the game's alternating rainbow colors, but a bizarre color that Fang Mo couldn't even name.

In his past life, he indeed had never seen such an extraterrestrial color.

This color was even more vivid and dazzling than a rainbow. Fang Mo briefly counted the colors flowing through it and found that besides red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, there were dozens of other colors he couldn't name, all interwoven together, creating an especially dreamy aesthetic.

"Holy crap, that's freaking cool."

Seeing this, Fang Mo couldn't help but swing the shovel in his hand: "RGB case fans rejoice…"

And to test its performance, Fang Mo casually jabbed the shovel into the ground, and the lunar rock, soft as tofu, was dug up without any resistance.

Fang Mo pondered the lunar rock on the ground, feeling it might be too fragile.

So very quickly.

He then had Steve pull out a block of vibranium and place it on the ground.

Even vibranium felt no resistance under Fang Mo's shovel, as if digging through cream with a hot shovel, and before he could react, a large chunk of vibranium was dug out.


Seeing this sharpness, Fang Mo couldn't help but raise an eyebrow: "If I ever encounter someone I can't beat again, I might as well just swing this shovel at their face."

After preliminary testing.

Fang Mo quickly concluded.

It was a weapon made of Infinity ingots, after all. The density and power were indeed a bit too extraordinary; probably no tangible material in this world could withstand a strike from his shovel.

Even bedrock.

In front of this shovel, it was just a slightly harder clump of soil.

However, all these tests were just the basic strength characteristics of the shovel.

After all, it was an Infinity weapon; it couldn't possibly just perform physical-level digging, so this tool actually had a second form, just like its name.

So Fang Mo studied it for a bit.

And very quickly, he mastered how to activate this tool.

Suddenly, as Fang Mo thought about it, his shovel in hand violently vibrated, and the originally brilliant shovel head suddenly blurred for a moment, then began to collapse inward.

The myriad dazzling colors were forcibly squeezed into an extremely dense point at that moment.

And on this point of infinitely small volume and infinitely large density, a formidable celestial-level gravitational force suddenly erupted outward, twisting the entire shovel head into a terrifying black void, and began indiscriminately devouring everything around it.

This was even where light could not escape.

The ultimate cosmic abyss.

And the moment this gravitational singularity formed, the surface of the moon began to boil.

Even Fang Mo couldn't react in time, from beneath his feet to everywhere he could see, countless layers of rock were explosively lifted in an almost apocalyptic scale, rushing towards him.

Just like Saitama's serious table flip.

The entire world turned from a plane into a disintegrating three-dimensional space.

Billions upon billions of rocks, lunar soil, and even the interstellar dust permeating the vacuum, all the matter visible to the naked eye madly surged towards Fang Mo, then all swallowed by the shovel head in his hand, leaving not even a trace.

And as for the ground under Fang Mo's feet, it was instantly sucked into a seemingly bottomless giant pit.

But that wasn't all, as the gravitational waves expanded at the speed of light, even the entire moon began to crack and disintegrate under the vast vibrations.

If someone could see from outer space at that time, they would see that half of the moon had already been thoroughly disintegrated, all the shattered materials flying towards the central area non-stop, then the entire area quickly collapsing and disappearing.

As if some monster devouring stars was gnawing at the planet.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!!!"

Seeing this, Fang Mo let out a shout.

Almost immediately, he stopped the "Planet Eater Shovel" in his hand, only feeling a buzzing sound as the black void of the shovel head again expanded outward, restoring its colorful shovel-like structure.

However, even though the gravity had disappeared.

The tsunami-like rock masses still smashed towards him, aided by inertia.

These rock and lunar soil masses were so vast, like a reversed Milky Way, so grand that even Fang Mo was forcefully buried hundreds of kilometers deep underground.

And as Fang Mo was buried underground.

Not long after, a circular ring of fire suddenly appeared nearby.

The Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, slowly walked out from it, surrounded by a magical shield, resisting the cold and suffocation from the vacuum environment.

First, the Ancient One looked around, the moon's surface resembling interstellar ruins, with countless rocks crisscrossing around, the sky filled with thick moon dust, and of course, the unfortunate kid buried deep into the moon's depths… Fang Mo.

So the Ancient One thought for a moment.

Then she looked down at the surface of the moon and spoke a word.


