Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan - C.817 Consequences of Betraying Akatsuki

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

C.817 Consequences of Betraying Akatsuki

Juzo held the hilt of his Kubikiribōchō, and said while pointing at Shinichi, ā€œShinichiā€¦ I told you several times that nothing good will come to you if you do thisā€¦ the only place you have left will also disappearā€¦ you should understand that Akatsuki wonā€™t forgive traitors unless you have a proper explanation, there is no going back now.ā€

Shinichi smirked, ā€œAkatsuki was never the place I wanted to beā€¦ this was just a means to meā€¦ butā€¦ I do consider you my friendā€¦ but thatā€™s thatā€¦ and this is thisā€¦ I did what I wanted to do and I have no intention of explaining anything to anyoneā€¦ if you want to stop meā€¦ then fight already, else step aside and let me goā€¦ I have no time for chit-chat.ā€

Hearing Shinichiā€™s words, Juzo understood that Shinichi had no intention of going back with them. Shaking his head in sadness, he drew his sword and pointed at Shinichi.

The hesitation and struggle were clearly apparent on his face as he pointed Kubikiribōchō at Shinichi. To Juzo, Shinichi is a close friend, and they have worked together for several years. To a certain extent, their team was the only team that developed into a close friendship over the years, and both watched out for each otherā€™s back when facing any enemy. Now having to face someone he has trusted his back with, itā€™s obvious that Juzo is hesitant.

In fact, Juzo is not at all surprised by Shinichiā€™s betrayal. Shinichi stopped pretending in front of him long ago, therefore, Juzo was very well aware of the fact that Shinichi was not loyal to Akatsuki, and would one day betray them. But out of friendship, Juzo kept this a secret and never reported anything about Shinichiā€™s attitude/intention to anyone.

Juzo had also prepared himself to fight Shinichi on that day.

And now that that day has really come, Juzo realizes that itā€™s really difficult for him to fight the only remaining friend he has left in Shinobi World.

Knowing that he really canā€™t fight Shinichi, Juzo put down Kubikiribōchō, and sighed, ā€œI hope you know what you are doing.ā€

Shinichi understood Juzoā€™s hesitation, he smiled lightly and muttered lightly, ā€œI know what I am doingā€¦ Thanks, Juzo.ā€ Then he disappeared with a quick body flicker.

Seeing Juzo allowing Shinichiā€™s retreat, Kisame said with a smile, ā€œJuzo-san, I didnā€™t expect that you would be soft-hearted with himā€¦ Butā€¦ that asideā€¦ we allowed him to retreat despite having a numeric advantageā€¦ how are we going to explain this?ā€

Takeshi said in a regretful tone, ā€œHere I thought that I would be able to face him and see how strong his Mangekyou Sharingan isā€¦ what a shame!ā€

Mageta shook his head, ā€œRather than Shame, I will call this a blessingā€¦ I donā€™t think anyone except Kisame and Kahyo would have managed to survive if we actually faced himā€¦ and even then, we couldnā€™t have stopped himā€¦ this result is much better.ā€

Takeshi retorted, ā€œWe are more peopleā€¦ we could have defeated him.ā€

Mageta shook his head, ā€œHe has that weird Mangekyou Sharingan ability and Susanoā€™oā€¦ there is no fighting against these two powersā€¦ we would be dead.ā€

Having been a descendant of the Chinoike Clan, Mageta is aware of the danger of the Uchiha Clan. As per the history he has read, their entire clan was crushed and exiled by the Uchiha Clan. Therefore, Mageta doesnā€™t want to face a Uchiha, not if he can help it.

While Takeshi and Mageta were arguing, Kahyo looked in the direction Shinichi disappeared and wondered, ā€˜Where is he going to go? Does he still have a place left in this world?ā€™

At this time, Juzo picked up his Kubikiribōchō and resheathed it.

Kisame asked, ā€œWhat are we going to do?ā€

Juzo answered, ā€œWe failedā€¦ now we are going back to the baseā€¦ā€

Kisame asked, ā€œArenā€™t you worried?ā€

Juzo shook his head, ā€œI donā€™t think they expected us to catch Shinichi in the first place. I donā€™t even understand why they sent usā€¦ whatever letā€™s just go back and see how things proceed.ā€ š‘“š‘Ÿš‘’š‘’š”€š“®š˜£š˜Æš˜°š˜·š‘’š“µ.š’øš‘œš˜®



With the sound of breaking through the wind, a figure traversed through the forest. This is none other than Shinichi, and his direction is the Land of Fire.

Before he went after the puppet, Shinichi had already planned his route of escape, so although he was a bit nervous, he knew what he was doing and wasnā€™t all that worried.

Of course, this doesnā€™t mean things will go easy for him.

The sudden appearance of a spiral whirl in front of him clearly showed this.

As soon as Shinichi noted the appearance of Spiral Whirl, he came to a sudden stop and looked at the man coming out of the whirl.

This is none other than the self-proclaimed Uchiha Madara. He looked at Shinichi in silence, then said, ā€œShinichiā€¦ you disappointed me.ā€

People might be wondering why ā€˜Madaraā€™ appeared here so fast, and the reason the Kiri squad of Akatsuki was able to intercept Shinichi so early, the answer is quite simple, and thatā€™s Zetsu. Similar to Shinichi, Zetsu was also tailing Shinichi, and in doing so, Zetsu discovered Shinichiā€™s act of betrayal and relayed the information back.

Shinichi looked at the self-proclaimed Madara with a gloomy expression.

In Akatsuki, there are only two people who have a chance of defeating him. The first is obviously Nagato, and the second is the self-proclaimed Madara.

Shinichi had expected this man to come after him, however, he appeared a little too fast.

The self-proclaimed Madara leaned against a tree, and asked calmly, ā€œSo, it really was you who leaked the intelligence about our base in Amegakure at that time, right?ā€

The war of the best occurred at Amegakure. At that time, he and Nagato suspected the presence of a spy, but they didnā€™t have any proof and concluded that it must have been the work of Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru had betrayed the organization not long ago, so it wouldnā€™t have been strange if it was him.

But now that Shinichiā€™s identity as the traitor is exposed, they realize that it wasnā€™t Orochimaru who leaked these details, but Shinichi who was personally recruited by him.

Shinichi didnā€™t care if this secret was exposed, it doesnā€™t really matter now, and snorted, ā€œEven if you know this, it doesnā€™t change a thing.ā€

ā€œThat is true.ā€ Nodded the masked man, and said, ā€œHowever, you couldnā€™t have been working alone all this timeā€¦ā€ then asked, ā€œAnswer meā€¦ whom are you working forā€¦ is it Konoha or the Uchiha?ā€

The masked man didnā€™t consider the possibility of the involvement of Amatsukami, to him, it doesnā€™t make any sense.

If Shinichi had been sent by Amatsukami, then Akatsuki would have been finished by now. Using the intelligence sent by Shinichi, Amatsukami could have prepared a solid trap for Akatsuki. In the presence of Yama, both Homusubi, Fujin, Suijin, and Dojin, Akatsuki would have been done by now.

Therefore, Shinichi couldnā€™t have been working for Amatsukami, there are only two possibilities left, and that is either Konoha or Uchiha.

In the face of the masked manā€™s question, Shinichi shrugged, ā€œWhy donā€™t you try to make a guess.ā€

ā€œGuess?ā€ muttered the masked man, then shook his head, ā€œForget it, there is no need. Once I am done with you, I can have all the information extracted from your brain.ā€

Shinichi wasnā€™t afraid of the masked manā€™s Genjutsu, however, Nagatoā€™s ability to read memories worried him. It wouldnā€™t matter if he died, but the intelligence on Amatsukami can not be revealed at any cost!

With this in mind, Shinichi took a deep breath, and said, ā€œDo your worst.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s what I planned.ā€ Answered the masked man as he raised his arms, and disappeared in a spiral whirl.

Whiish Whiish Whiish

Suddenly, a series of tree stems appeared out of the ground and entangled around his body.

ā€˜Mokuton?! Damn, he is not planning to play around this time!ā€™ thought as he felt his Chakra draining.



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