Loser System and Berserker Me - C.130: The Villain Slaying the City Lord

Loser System and Berserker Me

C.130: The Villain Slaying the City Lord

The mage passed out from fear and the trauma of having his mana sucked dry, much to the forest sniper’s shock.

With the mages passing out, the Tibetans’ firepower significantly waned. At the same time, the war slaves began running rampant without the mages to control them.

Cracks started to show in the Tibetans’ defense. It didn’t take long for the skeleton soldiers to start slipping through the gaps in their defense line.

“Hold on! Hold on!”

Rajmaya was so anxious to see her defense line wavering that she took out the Horn of Courage and blew it twice.

Just then, she heard exclamations coming from her soldiers. She looked over and saw catapults made out of shattered bones stationed on a distant high ground.

“Wait, what are they doing?!” Rajmaya was alarmed. “Surely not

Her thoughts were quickly confirmed.

Skeleton soldiers huddled into a ball were placed on the catapults, then


Countless bone balls whizzed across the air, and their target was the Tibetan army!

Who said that the skeleton army had no means of ranged attacks?

Shu Yichao couldn’t care less whether the skeleton soldiers survived the impact or not. They weren’t worth money to him anyway; it was a win either way if he could take down some Tibetan soldiers like that.

In contrast, Rajmaya couldn’t remain unconcerned.

This is bad. Nowhere is safe!

The soldiers in the defense line also crumbled in despair when they found skeleton soldiers not just in front of them, behind them, beneath them, but even above them too

How do we fight such a battle?! Even the mages have fainted from exhaustion!

Rajmaya felt numbed. She realized that she couldn’t hold the fort anymore, not even with her Horn of Courage. Their defense line inevitably fell into chaos; how could it not when they had enemies everywhere?!

“It’s time for us to enter the battlefield.” Seeing the chaos unfold among the Tibetan army, Shu Yichao knew that it was time to launch the decisive attack. “Brothers, charge with me! We shall slaughter those barbarians with our swords. No prisoners, we won’t stop until every last one of them is dead!”

The deafening sounds of horse hooves shook the battlefield, and dust scattered everywhere. The grim reaper had come to pay his greeting.

Shu Yichao and his ghost horsemen first circled around the Tibetans’ defense line before suddenly cutting in through their weakest point.

The Tibetan army was already struggling, reminiscent of a dam riddled with holes in the face of a sea of skeleton, and it looked as if one push was all it took for everything to crumble.

And Shu Yichao came at this moment.

He and his ghost horsemen were like a divine hammer falling on the Tibetan army with unstoppable might. The Tibetans’ defense line soon unraveled. Even the war slaves, without a tight defensive formation, couldn’t withstand the ghost horsemen’s calamitous charge.

Seeing that Shu Yichao had plunged the Tibetans into chaos, Miazova took this chance to unleash its spell. “Terror!”

“It’s over!”

“We’re doomed!”

“The Anxi ghosts are here to exact vengeance on us!”

“They are going to devour our souls!”

Having lost their fighting will, the Tibetan army swiftly drowned in the sea of the white bones.

“Damn it!” The light-headed Rajmaya climbed up from the ground.

A ghost horseman had knocked her off her mount earlier with a lance. She had only survived the ordeal thanks to the life preservation means she had.

However, the situation wasn’t looking good.

She took a sweeping glance at her surroundings.

Most of her army was already buried in the sea of skeletons. Some were still fighting back with all their might, but their resistance looked futile. It felt like the conclusion was already foregone by this point.

She threw out two scrolls to clear the skeleton soldiers around her, but that did little to allay her fears. She tightly gripped her sword as she stared at her surroundings, her legs trembling.

“The Tang
” she murmured, “The Tang army should capture prisoners, right?”

I am at least a city lord. In Great Tang, I am at least equivalent to a Protectorate General! Someone as important as me should at least be captured and exchanged for a ransom, right? (T/N: Great Tang’s Protectorate General are similar to warlords. Some of them grow powerful enough that they could pose a threat to the emperor.)

While Rajmaya was wondering where to find a white flag, she suddenly saw a familiar face.

“B-Bikna?” Rajmaya was startled.

Appearing before her eyes was Bikna, the target whom she was supposed to save, but Bikna’s face was green, her body had turned stiff, and her eyes were turbid

She was a zombie!

Tears started raining from Rajmaya’s eyes as she realized that she was done for.

If the enemy didn’t even spare an outstanding hero-class warrior like Bikna, it was unlikely that the enemy would show her mercy.


Bikna charged forth with her unreasonable strength and rammed into Rajmaya. She was still far stronger than Rajmaya, even as a zombie.


Rajmaya was sent flying. Blood spurted from her mouth. She sustained severe injuries despite wearing enchanted armor.

Time appeared to slow down by thousands of times as she flew across the air.

In her daze, she saw a stiffened smile on Bikna’s face.

She saw her army crying miserably, but that did nothing to save them from their inevitable fate of obliteration.

She saw an incomparably beautiful youth, wielding a modao, charging at her like a grim reaper from hell.

She saw a brilliant flash of white light coldly descending on her

Then, she lost consciousness.

Bam! fr𝐞𝐞𝚠eđ—Żđ—»ovel.c𝐹m

Just like that, Rajmaya’s army was annihilated, except for the few lucky ones who managed to escape because they were closer to the boundary of the Eternal Blight.

But Shu Yichao wasn’t satisfied.

Of Anxi’s four cities, only Kucha was under his control, and it was a ghost city! What else should he be waiting for if he didn’t make use of this opportunity to launch a follow-up attack?

Thus, he galloped up to the ghost horsemen and said, “Brothers, today’s battle isn’t over yet! Follow me westward, where one of Anxi’s four cities, Shule, stands! I believe that many of you are familiar with that place. The Tangs there must have waited a long time for us. Let today be the day their prayers come true!

“Brave Tang warriors, let us restore the land of our Great Tang! We shall attack Shule!”

A dark-red flag fluttered amidst wild winds. Dim soulfires flickered in the darkness of the night.


The roars of the ghost horsemen shook the world.

