Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest - C.579 128.1 - Sugar Mommy (?)

Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

C.579 128.1 - Sugar Mommy (?)

"I will kill him, that's it." Maya stared at him for a long moment, her mind racing, but she knew that trying to dissuade him would be pointless. His resolve was ironclad, and she could feel it in every word, in the intensity of his gaze. There was no stopping him, no turning him away from the path he had chosen long ago.

She let out a slow breath, her grip on his hair loosening just slightly as her body relaxed. "If that's your wish
 then so be it," she said softly, her voice carrying a weight of acceptance. It was all she could offer in the face of his determination. "But
 how are you planning to do it, Junior?"

Her question hung in the air between them, a stark contrast to the tension that had filled the room moments before. Maya wasn't just asking out of curiosity—she needed to know. She needed to understand how he intended to face such a dangerous foe.

Astron's gaze didn't waver as he answered. "The banquet will be full of influential figures—politicians, nobles, and others. The demon is hiding among them using an identity."

Astron's expression remained calm as he continued, his tone measured. "The demon rarely shows his face in public, which is why this banquet is such an important opportunity. Among the influential figures attending, he'll be hidden in plain sight, using an identity that makes him almost impossible to spot. But that's when I'll mark him. After the banquet ends, I'll trace him and hunt him down."

Maya furrowed her brow, her mind already spinning with questions. "But
 how do you plan to mark him? If he's as elusive as you say, he'll have ways to fend off any trace or mark you try to leave on him."

Astron nodded, acknowledging her concern. "You're right. He's not just any opponent. He'll have protections, methods to avoid being tracked or traced by conventional means. But not everything in this world is invincible." His eyes grew cold, his voice lowering as a quiet intensity seeped into his words. "There's always something that can be exploited. No matter how careful he is, there's a flaw."

There was a confidence in his voice that was almost unnerving, but Maya didn't doubt him. The way he spoke, the certainty in his words—it was as if he had already anticipated every countermeasure the demon might have. It made her uneasy, but at the same time, she trusted him. She knew he had spent years preparing for this moment, for this mission.

"If you say so," she murmured, though her concern still lingered. "But is there anything I can do to help?"

Astron looked at her, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "When I planned on attending the banquet, I didn't anticipate your involvement. I wasn't fully aware of just how well-known your family is in the political world." He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the implications. "Are they aware of your lineage? Does everyone at the banquet know who you are?"

Hearing Astron's question, Maya took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Not everyone in the capital or other parts of the Federation knows about my family, but here in the southern region
 they'll know. My family's influence runs deep in these parts, and since I've already used my family's name to attend, I'll definitely be identified."

Astron's eyes flickered with something almost like calculation. "If that's the case, this could work to our advantage. There's a chance that Silas might approach you directly, or at the very least, take notice of your presence."

Maya's brow furrowed in confusion. "Silas? Who's Silas?"

"It's the human identity the demon is using," Astron explained, his voice cool and calm, as though he had anticipated her question. "He's managed to blend into human society using that name, hiding his true nature. Silas is well-connected, especially in political circles, which makes him all the more dangerous. If he knows who you are, there's a chance he might approach you."

"I see."

Being a heir of the noble family, Maya was also someone who had been educated about the political world and she herself was familiar with everything.

"If he approaches is, that will make things easier for you, is that what you are saying?"

"That is right." Astron nodded, his expression steady and focused. "There's even a chance that Silas—no, the demon—will be able to identify your strange condition."

Maya tilted her head, confusion flickering across her face. "You mean
 my vampiric condition?"

"Yes," Astron confirmed. "Even though your situation is different from a full vampire's, you still bear the imprint of an incomplete evolution. Demons are incredibly sensitive to the presence of their own kind, even in those who are only partially transformed or influenced by dark energy. Their hierarchy is strict, with higher-ranked demons inherently suppressing lower ones."

Maya's eyes widened slightly as the implications set in. "So
 you think he might notice something off about me?"

"Exactly," Astron said, his voice cold with determination. "If Silas senses your condition, he'll likely be intrigued. He may even try to approach or manipulate you because of it."

Maya's heart quickened as she processed it. "And that's when you'll mark him?"

Astron gave a firm nod. "That's right. The moment he shows interest or reveals any part of his true nature, I'll be ready. Once he's marked, I'll be able to trace him—hunt him down after the banquet ends."

Maya exhaled slowly, trying to steady herself. The idea of being used as bait to lure out a demon was unsettling, but if it meant helping Astron achieve his goal, she was willing to do it. "So, I'll be the distraction. And once he makes his move
 you'll act."

"Partially." Astron said.

." Maya's eyes suddenly lit up, an idea forming in her mind. She straightened up slightly and met Astron's gaze with a determined look. "If that's the case, Junior
 then I'm coming with you to hunt him down."

Astron immediately shook his head, his expression firm. "No. You can't do that. It's too dangerous."

Maya didn't even pause to consider his objection. "That can't do," she said, her voice steady but insistent. "If there's a chance the demon discovers my unique condition, that means there's also a chance he might figure out my Elven lineage."

Astron's brow furrowed, clearly not convinced. "That's a really low possibility. Demons typically aren't interested in such things. They're more focused on the darker energies."

"That may be true," Maya replied, refusing to back down, "but the possibility still exists, and I can't afford to leave that unchecked. If this demon learns who I really am—who my family is—then things could spiral out of control. He could use that against me. Against us."

Astron's gaze remained steady, but he said nothing, his mind clearly turning over her words.

Maya leaned closer, her voice softening but still resolute. "Junior, I know you want to protect me, but this is about more than just that. My family is already in a complicated position. If this demon finds out about my Elven heritage, it could lead to bigger problems. You need me there, not just as bait at the banquet, but afterward too."

Astron closed his eyes for a brief moment, as if weighing the risk against her argument. When he finally opened them again, they were filled with both understanding and frustration. "Senior, do you not trust me?"

Maya blinked, surprised by Astron's question. "Of course, I trust you," she responded immediately, her voice filled with conviction. But Astron's intense gaze didn't waver, and she could sense that there was more to his question.

He leaned forward slightly, his voice calm but pointed. "Then, Senior
 do you think I'm smart?"

Maya paused, caught off guard by the sudden shift. Her mind quickly replayed all the times she'd seen Astron's sharp, calculating nature at work. He was always careful, always thinking three steps ahead. His mind worked faster than anyone she'd ever known, and he had a natural ability to assess situations with precision. She couldn't deny that.

"You're probably the smartest person I've ever met," she admitted, her eyes narrowing slightly as she began to understand where he was leading the conversation.

Astron nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "If that's the case
 why do you think I didn't ask for your help in dealing with the demon?"

Maya's breath caught in her throat. She hadn't considered that. Her initial reaction had been to offer her help, to protect him, but now
 now it was clear that Astron had deliberately kept her out of his plans for a reason.

She frowned, her mind racing as she tried to figure out his logic. "You didn't ask because you thought
 it would be too dangerous for me?" she ventured, though she wasn't entirely sure.

Astron shook his head slowly, his gaze unwavering. "That is not wrong but at the same time that is not the main reason. It's because I knew involving you would complicate things. Demons are incredibly perceptive, Senior. If I can avoid drawing attention to you, then I have a better chance of cornering him without him realizing he's being hunted."

Maya raised an eyebrow, still trying to process his words. "Really?" she asked, her tone filled with a mix of skepticism and concern.

Astron nodded, his expression remaining calm and resolute. "Yes. Senior, you're stronger than me. You don't need my protection. But strength isn't everything."

She felt a small pang of frustration at his words, but deep down, she knew he was right. Strength alone wasn't enough to navigate a situation as dangerous and intricate as this. Demons weren't like anything she had faced before, and their cunning was far more dangerous than raw power.

With a defeated sigh, she lowered her gaze, her fingers loosening their grip on his shirt. "I can't argue with that," she admitted, her voice quieter now. "But I still hate it, Junior. I hate feeling like I can't do anything to help you."

"Well, you have already putting yourself at risk, and that is enough."

Maya let out another sigh, but this time there was a faint hint of acceptance in her voice. "I understand," she said, though the frustration still lingered. "Just promise me
 if anything goes wrong, if you need me, you'll call. I don't care what happens. You won't face this alone."

Astron gave a slight nod, the corner of his lips curling into a faint smile. "I promise, Senior. But remember—this is my fight. I won't drag you into it unless I have no other choice."

Maya couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly, but the tension between them had finally begun to ease. "Fine," she muttered, crossing her arms. "But you better not get yourself killed."

"...I won't

