Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest - C.556 124.3 - Fame (2)


<Chamber of the Emberheart, Third Week>

The chamber pulsed with ancient energy, its very walls alive with the history and power of the Emberheart lineage. The swirling fires that filled the air were not just flames—they were a manifestation of centuries of power, burning in different hues, each one a test of strength, endurance, and will.

In the center, surrounded by the blazing heat, stood Irina. Her body was drenched in sweat, her muscles trembling from the exertion, but her mind was focused, her eyes narrowed in determination.

The white fire of the chamber, the highest and most fearsome level of flame, crackled before her, its light casting eerie shadows across her face.

The burning sensation gnawed at her skin, as if every inch of her body was being seared by the flames. But there was no retreat in her. She had endured this pain for days now, and though it still hurt—though every breath felt like inhaling fire—she could feel the difference.

She was making progress.

'I must not fall behind,' she reminded herself once more, gritting her teeth against the pain. She could sense her own fire rising inside her, the flame of her lineage struggling to emerge against the overwhelming heat of the chamber.

Irina inhaled deeply, feeling the pulse of power inside her chest, and let it out slowly as she extended her hand toward the white flames. Her fire, a brilliant ember-red, ignited in her palm. She could feel its familiar warmth, the fire of her bloodline. And then, she thrust it forward to meet the white flames.

For a moment—just a fraction of a second—her fire held. It was there, blazing defiantly against the white fire that had devoured her so many times before.

'One millisecond.'

The thought flickered through her mind as her fire was consumed, extinguished as quickly as it had appeared. But she had seen it, felt it—a single moment where her flame had held, lasting just a little longer than it had the day before.

She smiled to herself, her chest heaving from the effort. One millisecond. It was barely noticeable, barely anything at all, but to Irina, it was proof. Proof that her strength was growing. Proof that she was getting closer to mastering the fire that had burned within her family for generations.

'One millisecond more than yesterday.'

Her skin still burned, the searing pain still radiating through her body, but she could feel the subtle change in her resistance. Her body was adapting. Where before she felt as though she was being consumed by the white fire, now she felt as though she was beginning to push back, if only by the smallest margin.

She ignited her fire again, this time with more resolve. It was still devoured in an instant, but she wasn't discouraged. Each attempt brought her closer, each failure was a step forward. She could feel the fire of the Emberheart bloodline surging through her veins, resisting the chamber's flames, becoming stronger, more resilient.

Irina closed her eyes, focusing inward, letting the fire burn her skin as she gritted her teeth and pushed her own flame outward. She knew what she was fighting for. She knew that this pain was temporary, and the strength she was gaining would last far beyond these moments of torment.

'Just one more millisecond. One more.'

Her fire blazed again, devoured just as quickly, but that tiny progress—one millisecond—was all she needed to push herself forward.

The next time, it would be two. Then three.

In the end, one day, her fire would be the one that would be devouring this white fire.

'Once that happens

She would be the real master of Emberheart.


The familiar sound of the chamber door creaking open broke Irina's concentration. Her eyes snapped open, the glow of the white flames reflecting in them as she turned to face the entrance.

Esme stepped into the chamber, her presence calm and composed despite the oppressive heat that would have overwhelmed anyone else. It was a testament to her own strength that she could enter this space with such ease. The tray in her hands bore the usual items Irina needed to replenish herself after each session—vials of healing elixirs, rare herbs, and enchanted tonics crafted by the finest alchemists.

"Young Miss," Esme greeted her, her tone formal and soft. "It is time for your recovery."

Irina nodded, extinguishing her flames and letting out a slow breath as the tension in her body began to ease. Her muscles still trembled from the exertion, and her skin tingled with the sensation of having been scorched, though not quite burnt. The progress she had made in her resistance to the white fire was undeniable, but the pain was still very real.

She glanced at Esme, her body still tingling with the aftermath of the flames. "You're a little early today," Irina noted, her voice slightly raspy from the intensity of the training.

Esme offered a small, respectful bow. "I thought it prudent to ensure you had sufficient time to recover. You have been pushing yourself harder than usual."

"..." Irina did not give any answer as she looked at Esme. Recently, since she was in her family's mansion, those feelings that she had cultivated in childhood, or when she was tired, were coming back.

The memories of the time when the same person before her turned her back to her.

They were becoming vivid once more.


It was really hard for Irina to keep all those thoughts to herself and get rid of them when she was constantly seeing her serving.

'But, this is how it needs to be.'

Esme's expression remained neutral, but there was a flicker of concern in her eyes. "You are making remarkable progress, Young Miss. But even you need rest."

Irina sighed, knowing Esme was right.


As much as she hated to admit it, her body was reaching its limits, and pushing herself too far could lead to catastrophic results. She needed to recover if she wanted to continue her progress tomorrow.

..Since it was the 7th day, that meant that she could talk to him.

She reached for the tray, picking up the first vial—a high-ranking elixir designed to accelerate healing and fortify her mana reserves. Next came the rare herb, finely ground and mixed into a paste. Irina consumed it without hesitation, the taste bitter but familiar. Finally, she took the last vial, a powerful concoction specifically designed to restore the strength of her mana channels, which had been strained to their limits in her battle against the white flames.

She could feel its effects almost immediately, the tension in her chest easing as her mana flow stabilized.

Esme watched silently as Irina completed the ritual, her gaze steady but thoughtful.

After a few moments of silence, Irina rose to her feet, her body still sore but noticeably lighter. "Let's head out."

Irina stepped out of the chamber, her body still feeling the lingering effects of the white flames. But the moment she was outside, the fresh, cool air washed over her, and it felt like a balm against her skin. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as the tension slowly ebbed away.

The sky above was painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent. It wasn't quite evening yet, but the world was in that peaceful in-between, where the light was soft, and the shadows were long. Last week, by the time she emerged, it had been night, the moon high in the sky. But today, she had a little more time.

'A small blessing,' she thought, her steps light as she moved further away from the chamber.

Esme followed a few paces behind, as was her custom, her silent presence a constant. Irina glanced over her shoulder at her attendant but quickly turned her attention back to the path ahead.

The Emberheart estate stretched out before her, vast and beautiful, yet it felt suffocating at times. Growing up here, she had always been surrounded by expectations, rules, and the weight of her family's legacy. But now, as she walked under the setting sun, she felt a brief moment of freedom. It wasn't much, but it was enough to clear her mind before her next conversation.

She turned down a familiar path that led toward the estate's gardens. This was her favorite spot—an oasis of calm amidst the intensity of her training. As she walked, the scent of flowers filled the air, mingling with the crisp breeze, and for a moment, the weight of her responsibilities felt a little lighter.

'Let's call him.'

It was a little bit earlier than usual, but that was fine.

Irina walked through the gardens, her fingers hovering over the call button for a moment before she pressed it. The familiar ring echoed in her ear, but instead of hearing his voice, a message popped up: "The person you are calling cannot be reached at this time."

She stared at the screen for a moment, then let out a small sigh, her lips curving into a slight frown. 'He's probably busy,' she thought, nodding to herself. After all, she had called earlier than their usual time.

'Fine. I'll just wait.'

With that decision, she headed back to her quarters, deciding to take the time to have her meal and relax a little. After all, she had just come out of the chamber, and her body was still sore from the intensity of her training. A bath and some food would do her good.

Once she was back inside, the familiar scent of freshly cooked food filled the air. The staff had already prepared her meal, and the table was neatly set for her. Irina sat down, taking a moment to enjoy the food before her mind wandered back to Astron and the odd feeling that had lingered after her call went unanswered.

As she ate, she pulled up her tablet and started browsing the school forums, catching up on any news or gossip she had missed during her time in seclusion. Her eyes scanned the headlines, half-focused on the articles that flitted past the screen.

But then, something caught her attention. A headline, accompanied by a familiar image, appeared in front of her: "Irina Emberheart and Mysterious Boy Spotted Together—Who is the Dark Horse at Arcadia Academy?"

Irina's hand froze mid-bite as she stared at the image. It was a photo of her and Astron, taken in the academy. She recognized the moment instantly—one of the rare times they had been seen together outside of their usual routines.

'Another one of these,' she thought with mild annoyance. It wasn't the first time she had seen gossip about her circulating online. Being an Emberheart meant that she was always in the spotlight, and tabloids had been writing about her for as long as she could remember. Her life was a constant topic of speculation, and normally, she had no problem brushing it off.

But something about this article was different.

Normally, such gossip articles needed some sort of trigger to pop up—some event, some public appearance. But she had been in seclusion for the past two weeks. She hadn't been seen in public at all. So, why now?

Curious, she scrolled down to read more of the article, and that's when she saw it.

[A newly rising star of Vanguard Haven? Who is Astron Natusalune?]

This time, it was about Astron.

