Genetic Ascension - C.109 They


[675 GTs bonus]?", fš«eššŽwešš‹nšØš˜ƒel.š—°š—¼š¦

Just when the F grade Basilisk Minor wanted to turn back to see what the commotion was about, it felt a sudden rage surge up from within it. It forgot about everything but the opponents right before it and it lunged at the off-balance Brant with malice.

There was another flash from Brant's shield, and his eyes cleared. He reacted to the lunging snake with a shield bash, and Aria's spear thrust through the air.

The spear's tip glowed with a subtle hue as she activated a Skill of her own and the blade ripped right through the beast's throat.

Sylas took it all in, closing the distance rapidly. However, it was clear that he wouldn't make it in time to affect the situationā€¦

Or so it seemed.

Sudden Burst.

Sylas was already at his top Speed, but he activated Madness Control and ripped through those limits, taking the pair off guard as a Blade Aura infused fist released a hollow whistle. The attack cut through the air, aiming right for Brant's head.

With the sort of power Sylas had now, killing a man with a single fist wasn't anywhere near an impossible task.

Brant was ready, though, raising his shield and preparing for another flow of Aether.

That was when Sylas suddenly pulled back his feint, his other hand shooting forward and grabbing onto the pole arm of Aria's yet-to-retract spear.

He had only faced off against Brant for a short time, but he already knew that he wanted nothing to do with the man, at least not head on. His goal had already been Aria.

Aria's brows jumped as she was somewhat caught off guard as well. Even in this situation, she was a half step behind Brant and she was used to the man always covering for her weaknesses.

In her mind, it made sense that Sylas would try to take him out first. He was the greatest threat. It was a mistake so many before had made.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

Even so, Aria's Aether blazed, and she reacted quickly. Her wrist twisted as she pulled, another light forming on her blade tip. So long as Sylas' grip loosened just the slightest bit, he would definitely lose his hand.

But it didn't. In fact, his Strength was so overwhelming that she was pulled off her balance, stumbling forward.

"LET GO!" Brant roared. He had just wasted a Skill and was lagging behind a bit.

Aria listened, but to her surprise, Sylas released the spear at the same time. Then, the spear that should have fallen to the ground was pulled away by a mysterious force and sent clanging behind Sylas.

From their perspective, it looked as though Sylas had thrown it away and they didn't think twice about it. Using a weapon you weren't familiar with in battle didn't make sense.

Sylas' movements didn't stop as Aria retreated and Brant bore down on him. He kicked at the basilisk corpse that had fallen to the ground, activating Tail Whip.

The heavy creature clashed against Brant's shield and was repelled back toward Sylas even faster.

'His defenses are so sturdy.'

And that was precisely why Sylas felt that his approach to this battle was perfect.

The snake's corpse collided with him in a dull boom, knocking the air out of his lungs as he stumbled backward and almost fell to the ground.

Brant stomped a heavy foot, and another Skill activated, a wave of pressure pushed Sylas back even further. At the same time, Aria pulled out an item and threw it in his direction when they felt that the distance was enough.

A net erupted from the silver ball, covering all of Sylas' escape routes. Heavy balls that made up its edges wrapping around him in an attempt to nail him down to the ground.

Brant pressed forward in an attempt to nail down their advantage, and it was right then that the forgotten spear suddenly erupted from the ground with the strength of Madness fueling it.

The spear whistle by Brant's ear before he could even react, piercing through a shocked Aria's throat.

Brant looked back in shock. It was the worst thing he could have done in this situation, but his instinctual reaction got the best of him.


He seemed to realize at that moment that she was finished, and the only thing he could do to avenge her was to take care of Sylas.

But at that moment, the net that should have already enveloped their enemy was flying toward him instead.

Brant reacted with an instinctual shield bash, his Aether sending out an even stronger pulse than before. But, just when he got rid of the net, the sickening sound of his own bones snapping rang through his ears.

Brant quivered, falling forward. The spearā€¦ how had it hit him? Noā€¦ how had it even flown toward Aria in the first placeā€¦?

Sylas jumped backward, leaping out of the way of the flying net again, then using his telekinesis to toss it to the side.

Brant was in no condition to fight. Just now, Sylas had driven the spear right into his hip. In this world, that kind of wound should be a death sentence. But Sylas wasn't complacent. He had no idea what other things these people had on them, and for all he knew, Brant also had an overpowered healing Skill of some sort. Sylas had never seen such a thing, but who was to say they didn't exist?

Standing a good distance away, he used his telekinesis to pull the spear out from Brant's hip and hovered the blade above the man's head.

"Who are you? And how did you find this Dungeon?" He asked coldly.

Brant let out a hollow laugh, his face as pale as a sheet. Right now, his forehead was pressed against the ground. He could even move without the spikes of pain, making his feeling like his insides were shredding to pieces.

"Youā€¦ must be the personā€¦ they wanted us to probeā€¦ Should have knownā€¦"

Sylas' eyes narrowed. "Who is they?"

