Cinnamon Bun - C.Four Hundred and Sixty-Three - Broccoli Moneybags

Cinnamon Bun

C.Four Hundred and Sixty-Three - Broccoli Moneybags

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty-Three - Broccoli Moneybags

Booksie took a bath (even though, with all the Cleaning magic around, it was probably not necessary for cleanliness), got changed into a very fluffy set of PJs, then hugged Rhawrexdee and got the biggest, tightest hug I could give her, then I made sure she was properly tucked into bed, with a heap of warm blankets on top of her and her pillows properly smacked into the perfect shape.

She was out almost as soon as her head hit the pillow and before she'd even finished mumbling her thanks.

"She was really tired, huh?" I said to Desiree and Rhawrexdee as I stepped out of her room.

The dragon pulled his head away from Booksie's bedroom window, then nodded. "She is," he agreed. "I will be watchful, and also a dragon. No one will disturb her sleep." Then he settled down onto the ground, his bulk making the entire neighbourhood tremble as he shifted and let his tail thump down.

"Okay," I said. Booksie was probably used to sleeping next to Rhawrexdee when he was being a little noisy. Kind of like how I got used to sleeping on the Beaver even with the engine rumbling away and the ship creaking all around. Eventually that kind of noise became familiar enough that it didn't matter.

It was getting into the later parts of the evening. Actually, it was probably just a little past suppertime? My tummy was reminding me that I'd skipped a couple of meals already, and I imagined that it was probably worse for Desiree.

"Hey, I know we mentioned you staying here, but uh, well, there's not too much to do now, I don't think. Did you want to come with me? I'm going back home, to the Beaver. I'm sure my friends would love to meet you!"

"Your friends? I suppose there wouldn't be any harm in meeting new, like-minded individuals! I only hope that they meet my own exceptional qualifications of excellence!" Desiree said.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Hmph! I'm glad you asked, small-tailed friend. Any friend of mine must be a grand genius, a peerless and knowledgeable and well-learned person. A beauty, of course, and someone who stands head and shoulders above the common rabble!"

"Uh... well, my friends are all very nice," I said. "I think that's my own, personal qualification."

Desiree frowned a little, then shrugged. "I suppose that as far as qualifications go, that is a minimal threshold that even I'd find acceptable. Lead the way, Broccoli Bunch! Unto this Beaver of yours."

I grinned, but before we could leave, I had to talk to Rhawrexdee for a second. "We're heading out," I said. "Hugs before we go?"

"You buns are very fond of these, aren't you?" he asked.

I nodded. "Hugs are essential."

"They aren't bad," he said before I gave his snoot a proper squishing.

"You stay safe," I said. "And keep Booksie safe and happy and warm too. I'll be a very upset bun if you break her heart."

Rhawrexdee narrowed his eyes at me, but then he nodded. "It is a very small heart, I suppose, having to fit in that small of a body. It will be difficult to keep it safe, but I'll treasure it like the pride of my hoard."

"Good," I said with a serious nod. "She deserves it. And you deserve a few more hugs and such for being a good dragon. We'll be around! My friends and I are staying in the city until the wedding is over, in case Rainnewt tries anything else."

"Very well. I would have dismissed your help before, but you've proven capable. Almost as capable as a dragon."

"Mhm!" I agreed. Then Desiree and I gave him our proper good-byes and stepped out around the bookstore. "Is there anywhere you need to go first?" I asked.

"No, I don't believe so? Why does thou ask?" Desiree walked with her nose pointed skywards,

"You might want new clothes or something? Cleaning magic is nice, and it's great at removing stains, but I can't do much for rips and wear," I said.

I didn't want to be rude and just... say it, but Desiree's clothes let a lot to be desired. She was in loose pants and a loose blouse. Her boots looked pretty decent, as though they'd cost a lot once, but they were also travel-worn and in a bit of a state.

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So far, it hadn't been too much of a concern. The weather was nice, and we weren't out here to attend a ball or anything. Being dressed like someone about to repaint their bedroom wasn't a big deal.

Still, I imagined that she'd be a lot comfier in newer, less raggedy clothes.

"Hmm, this outfit serves its purpose. My modesty is preserved! Though I do see what you are referring to. It is nonetheless in a rougher state than would be appropriate for a person of my calibre. Yes, you are right, Captain Broccoli! I must acquire new clothes so that I may present myself in my full majesty to these friends of yours."

"Okay!" I said with a nod. "I don't have that much on me, but it's probably enough for a start of a new wardrobe. Come on! There's a nice shop that Amaryllis likes. They have things that fit me, and the tailor there probably won't mind making a slit for your tails."

I tugged Desiree after me, and soon enough we were in the commercial district of Port Royal once more. The shop, the same one I'd been to a while back with Amaryllis, welcomed us, and I stepped back to allow Desiree to make her picks.

She hesitated some, seeing the prices on little tags, but I think she was trying hard not to look as if she was worried about the cost.

"Here," I said as I emptied a few coins into my hand. I mostly had some silver, since Amaryllis said that those were the best to carry around for day-to-day things.

Gold was worth too much in most places. Silver was still worth a lot, but not so much that shops couldn't make change. I gave Desiree a small handful, and she eyed the clinking silver for a moment before looking up to me. "Are you certain? This is a great amount of wealth."

"It's fine. I think it's enough to get you at least one full outfit. You don't want to cheap out too much with clothes, not if you're going to be travelling a lot."

"Know that you have my sincerest thanks," she replied.

Desiree combed through the racks and ambled through the shop for a few minutes before picking out a few things to try. In the end, she settled for a simple but elegant outfit. A tunic, which was almost long enough to be a dress all on its own, a pair of trousers, then a belt with several loops and and a built-in pouch on it for carrying little things that cinched up the tunic for her.

She picked out a small hooded cloak too, one that the seamstress was happy to cut some holes into for her ears to poke out of. She did the same with the pants, cutting a slit, then sewing a small button-up closure over it.

With the rest of her coins, Desiree picked up a pair of tight leather gloves and a small set of bright red ribbons. She tied those onto the ends of her tails. They were the only things in a non-drab colour, and really made her tails pop.

"I feel... far more ready for the road once again," Desiree said. "Thank you. You didn't have to give me of your own wealth for this."

"It's nothing," I said. "I'm happy I could help. You went through a lot, I think, so it's only fair that you get a head start again."

Desiree looked away from me, then tugged her new hood forwards. "Yes, well, I will extoll your kindness to my deathbed and teach my children of your generosity," she said. "Now, guide me to these companions of yours so that I might meet them."

"Of course!" I said. I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her along with me across the city. The docks were a little noisy at this time of day, and it might have been worse than usual since it looked like several ships were waiting to come in.

If ships hadn't been allowed to leave... then it kinda made sense that there would be a bit of an aerial traffic jam at the moment.

"That's the Beaver Cleaver over there!" I said as I pointed ahead with my free hand.

I was glad to see a few familiar people on deck. Amaryllis was back, and so was Caprica... along with a couple of sylph guards by the gangplank leading into the ship.

Well, that was interesting. I wasn't going to say no to a bit more security at the moment, however.


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