Cinnamon Bun - C.Four Hundred and Sixty - Speedrunners

Cinnamon Bun

C.Four Hundred and Sixty - Speedrunners

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty - Speedrunners

The Mage's Guild being just across the way from the Exploration Guild was a big win for us, because it meant we didn't have to go far.

Still, almost the moment we stepped out of the Mage's Guild, Booksie hissed and leaned her weight to one side and off of her foot.

"Booksie?" I asked as I stopped. So did Desiree, the fox-girl's twin tails twitching worriedly. "Are you okay?"

Booksie raised her foot from the ground, then twisted it around to see the sole of her foot. The skin was all torn up, littered with small angry red cuts that surrounded a long diagonal one that oozed blood. "Just... missing shoes," she said.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped as I bent forwards. "Booksie, your feet! Oh no." This was, undoubtedly, my fault. I should have noticed right away that she was without shoes. I had noticed, but Booksie didn't complain and I thought it was okay.

But just because a friend wasn't complaining didn't mean they weren't hurting.

"I should've given you my shoes. I should've carried you!" I said. I Cleaned off her feet as best I could with some magic. Infections were no joke, and I felt awful already.

"It's fine, Broccoli," Booksie said. "You came and saved me, you didn't need to do anything more. My feet will heal up in a bit. I have some old healing potions at home."

"But your feet are hurting now," I said. I glanced at my feet, then at Booksie's. My shoes probably wouldn't fit. "I'm sure they have potions and healers at the guild. Unless you want to go straight home?"

Booksie sighed as she gingerly lowered her foot. "I would love to go back home, but... but that would be irresponsible. Let's head over to the guild. I'm sure people are worried and showing up might help with that."

"Okay," I said. Then I scooped Booksie up, an arm under her knees and another around her back. She squeaked, then blinked and looked around.

"Well, this is different," she said.

"It's a princess carry," I said with a nod.

"Very appropriate," Desiree said. She was nodding too. Just in case, l looked down, to see if her feet were hurt, but she was wearing sturdy, well-made shoes that looked like they were made for long hikes.

I adjusted my hold on Booksie. "Is this comfy?"

"It's not so bad," Booksie said. She shifted a bit, making herself comfortable. "But, ah, this is a little embarrassing. What if Rhawr saw me?"

"Who is this Rhawr you speak of?" Desiree asked.

"That's her fiance," I said. "He's a big blue dragon."

"You wish to marry a dragon? How would that... hmm, well, perhaps you long-eared ones are more brave than I'd initially suspected. Is he going to be envious if he sees the good captain carrying you like a bride?"

Booksie's cheeks reddened. "Well, I can hope," she said.

I giggled, squeezing Booksie a bit since I couldn't properly hug her like this. "Come on, let's go see Mathilde. She's going to be very... very about all of this."

We crossed the street, surprisingly only earning a few second glances. I supposed that of all the districts of Port Royal, this one had the highest density of strange people. I imagined that the locals were probably used to things, what with Abraham often hanging around this part of the city.

The front doors of the Exploration Guild were propped open by a wooden block, and there were lots of voices mingling together within.

I stepped up to the entrance and peeked inside. There were a ton more people than usual. Adventurers and explorers lined the walls, all geared up as if they were preparing to face the final boss of a big dungeon. Lots of grenoil, but plenty of other races too. Between the combat groups, support staff scurried around in a hurry.

In the middle of it all, by the reception desk at the back, was Mathilde and Abraham, both of them in the centre of the storm.

"Looks like we might have kicked the hornet's nest," I muttered.

"Can you set me down?" Booksie asked. "I'd like to preserve what little dignity I have left."

I nodded, set her down, then brushed my hands through her hair quickly to untangle it. Then I used a bit of Cleaning magic to make sure her nightdress was nice and tidy. "There! It's the best we can do, I think."

"What is this place?" Desiree asked as she looked up at the building.

"Oh. This is the Exploration Guild. They're... explorers. For dungeons and stuff? They--we, I guess--make maps and check out dungeons and visit faraway places. There are parts of the guild scattered across a few countries."

Desiree nodded along. "I know of no equivalent where I am from, but the principle is sound. Though, it seems like this kind of organisation would attract the foolhardy and the strong in equal measure."

"That sounds about right," I agreed. I gave Booksie's shoulder's a squeeze. "Ready?"

"Ready," she said.

We stepped into the guild, and there was a hush as a few people paused-mid speaking. Their pause caused others to turn and look our way, which cut off even more conversations until an awkward hush filled the room. It was banished a moment later as murmurs started up.

I walked with Booksie at my side and a curious and unphased Desiree tailing after us. "Hi Mathilde!" I said. "We found Booksie."

The guild-leader sighed, but there was some tension that left her shoulders. "Yes. I can see that. Calamity stopped by to warn us, but it's good to see her with my own eyes. "Miss Booksie, I'm glad to see you safe."

"Thank you," Booksie said. "Um, did you gather all these people to help?"

"Indeed," Mathilde said. "New as it might be for you, you are a person of interest to the city now. Your disappearance was... a cause for concern."

"The catboy said you went on a little adventure," Abraham said. "Haha! Catching bandits red-handed and saving princesses! All in a day's work!"

"Who is this tail-less loud man?" Desiree muttered.

"I'm Abraha--"

Mathilde smacked Abe's tummy with the back of her hand. "Go make yourself useful. The poor lady's in her nightclothes still. Find something for her."

"Haha! I'll fetch my emergency trousers!"

Mathilde gave a few orders to some of her staff, then gestured us forwards. "Come, we'll talk in my office."

We followed after the grenoil lady, stepping into her office just behind her. "Will you be calling everything off?" I asked.

"No," she said.

That threw me for a loop. I'd kinda just asked to make conversation; I didn't expect a flat no. "You won't?" I asked.

Mathilde turned towards us once she was behind her desk. "It wouldn't be politically wise to call things off after so much capital was spent in the first place. You'll forgive me for saying so, Miss Booksie, but your kidnapping has set off quite the... kerfuffle."

I gasped. Not a kerfuffle!

"I'm sorry," Booksie said. "I'll sleep with a knife under my pillow from now on."

Mathilde let out a breath that was suspiciously close to a chuckle. "Fair point. Still, even if this isn't your fault, it has cost the guild a lot. In order to save face, I intend to turn this gathering of our best and brightest into a manhunt. And for that, I need to know who ordered your kidnapping, and why it occurred."

"I don't know," Booksie said. "I can speculate, but... well, I wasn't exactly in the best shape to have a polite discussion with the bandits that captured me."

"I was."

We all turned towards Desiree who stared, tails twitching at the end.

"Captain Bunch, who is this young woman?" Mathilde asked.

"Oh, this is Desiree Chartreuse. She was captured as well. We freed her when we freed Booksie," I explained.

"I was held for a tremendously long time. It was harrowing and horrifying in equal measure!" Desiree said. She looked particularly smug. "But my cunning intellect allowed me to listen as my captors plotted their evil schemes."

"Hmm, you could tell us about them, then," Mathilde said.

"For a price," Desiree agreed. "I'm the most shrewd of negotiators, after all. I shan't let such an opportunity pass so easily!"

"You are aware that with the bandits captured as they are, we'll have plenty of opportunities to question them," Mathilde said.

"Ah, but time is passing on, and I have what you want now."

Mathilde scoffed, but she gestured for Desiree to continue. "What's your price, then?"

"I wish to stay with the good captain! She has proven herself capable of combating vile bandits and their ilk, and her ears are most long and numerous."

Mathilde looked to me, and I shrugged. "I... guess I don't mind. We have an extra room on the Beaver and we'll probably be staying with Booksie, at least until the marriage and maybe for a day or two more after. Beyond that, I don't really know what we'll be doing or where we'll be going."

"Is that good enough?" Mathilde asked.

"It's perfectly acceptable," Desiree said. "Now, let me speak of the dire things I cunningly intercepted from our captors--they even let slip the identity of their cruel leader, the enigmatic and mysterious figure they only spoke of in hushed whispers."

I had a bad feeling, all of a sudden.

"They named him Sir Rainnewt, and he was most interested in my capture!"


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