Cinnamon Bun - C.Four Hundred and Sixty-Five - Wake Up and Smell the Eggs

Cinnamon Bun

C.Four Hundred and Sixty-Five - Wake Up and Smell the Eggs

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty-Five - Wake Up and Smell the Eggs

We ended up having a big sleepover in the cargo hold.

Well... no, we didn't have to throw an impromptu sleepover party in the biggest room on the ship, but I had the opportunity to do so, and we were welcoming a new friend besides!

Awen and Calamity actually returned to the Beaver sometime past midnight, both of them looking absolutely exhausted, but once we got some leftovers into them they perked up and told us about the part of their day that I'd missed.

Both of them had passed the Exploration Guild exam, at least according to Sir Tissue. The entire group had, in fact, which was nice to hear!

Mostly it came down to everyone handling themselves very well during a very typically unorthodox situation. Sir Tissue gave them all a bit of advice (Calamity to learn some long-range communication skills and to hone his tracking a little more, and Awen to learn to fight closer up so that she wasn't caught unawares if she couldn't use a crossbow) and then set free.

But before that, they'd spent the day guarding the bandits we'd captured until a team of guards came down from the city to escort them to Port Royal's much bigger prison.

It was deemed too risky to have them use the teleportation system, which wasn't designed to be used by so many people in such quick succession to begin with. There were lots of problems with that kind of magic, according to Amaryllis, and it was a wonder we'd gotten to use it at all.

Anyway, the long and short of it was that some of the more talkative prisoners let slip that Rainnewt was their boss, but he was working through an intermediary in the city. They didn't know who, or wouldn't spill, but it was probably someone important.

It was something to keep in mind going forwards.

Awen helped build the biggest and best pillow fort in the hold, then we all let the long day sink away. I'd spent my share of energy, and was out almost as soon as I finished snuggling in between Amaryllis and... I think Caprica's the one I grabbed onto to use as a cuddle pillow? It was hard to tell.

The next morning, we woke up and picked up the bit of a mess we'd created the night prior before we cooked up a big breakfast.

"So, plans for today?" Amaryllis asked.

I nodded. "I'd like to visit Booksie in the morning." I said. "Just to make sure she's alright. I don't think she has all that many friends in Port Royal, except for Cholondee and Rhawrexdee, of course, so we should definitely spend as much time with her as possible!"

"She's an acceptable acquaintance to maintain," Desiree said as she stuffed herself on toast in a rather unlady-like way. I discovered that morning that she had a knack for Fire magic. Or at least, a spell to make toast?

Our original chart of shore leave scheduling was kind of out the proverbial window, but at least we had guards keeping the Beaver safe, courtesy of Caprica and the rather paranoid (according to the princess) sylph at the embassy, so I didn't mind telling the entire crew that they could head out whenever.

Which was why there was a whole gaggle of us heading out to visit Booksie. Myself, Amaryllis, Awen, Caprica, Calamity, and Desiree, who was still a little awkward, but was coming around to the idea that she was now stuck with our friend group.

We crossed the city, but got waylaid on the way.

First, by some street food vendors. Then by a small shop that sold magical scrolls that Amaryllis wanted to check out. Then by a forge that was displaying parts that Awen really needed to see.

"I'm starting to form an opinion about your companions, Captain Bunch," Desiree said as we found ourselves alone for a moment.

"Oh?" I asked. "They're all very nice friends, aren't they?"

"I suppose. They're also rather scatterbrained and hectic. Though you seem to aim for friendships with people whom others might consider experts in their respective fields. I, of course, am one such genius myself, and am therefore deserving of your friendship and positive attention."

I laughed, then leaned to the side to give her a hug. Compared to all of my other friends, Desiree had received barely any hugs at all, so I had a lot of catching up to do! "I have the best best friends," I said with a serious nod.

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The foxgirl looked like she was ready to add something, but then she decided against it just as Awen finally plopped out of the shop. I didn't push the issue, if she wanted to talk, I was always around.

We did make it to Booksie's shop in due time, and it wasn't even noon yet! We arrived as a group to Booksie's front door, with Calamity chuckling as he pointed out the people looking at us.

There were a lot more than I had noticed the night before. And some were hidden enough that I wouldn't have noticed them at all without Calamity's help. There were plenty that were dressed like normal passersby, and a few watchers tucked away in shadowy nooks, almost invisible to the naked eye.

I hoped that all of them had Booksie's best interest at heart, but I could hardly go around questioning every last one of them to see if they were here for a good reason or not. So I settled on knocking on Booksie's front door and waiting with my friends arrayed behind me.

It didn't take long for Booksie to open the door. "Broccoli!" she said. "And Amaryllis, and Awen, and Caprica, and Calamity. Oh, and Desiree as well. Wow, everybun's here, huh?"

Booksie looked a lot better with a night's rest in her. She was brighter, fresher, and the stress lines across her brow and the stoop to her shoulders had faded.

There was still something a little off though, a little brittle. Some faint fear visible in how her eyes kept darting to the observers surrounding her house. But the smile she gave me was genuine, so I think she was in a much better spot than last night.

"Hi!" I said before raising my arm for hugs. She laughed and let me give her a good squish. "Did you sleep well?"

"I think so. I woke up a few times, but... well, I got some sleep in, and a lot more than usual. I was just fixing a late breakfast for Rhawr and I."

"Do you need help? We came over to check up on you, make sure you were okay," I said.

Booksie smiled, then moved out of the doorway and gestured us in. "Come on. You can help in the kitchen, if you're up for it, or just peruse my collection. Goodness knows I haven't sold much recently."

My friends and I streamed into Booksie's shop, and it didn't take long for us to split into two groups, those that wanted to look around and read, and those that wanted to help in the kitchen. The latter group was myself, Booksie, Desiree, and surprisingly Amaryllis, whom I didn't think of as a very kitchen-y kind of bird. Maybe she just wanted to socialise.

"Whoa!" I said as I took in the big wok-sized pan on the stove. It was filled with eggs. Next to it was a wooden carton with holes for some three dozen eggs, all of which were empty. There were two more cartoons like it nearby. "That's a lot of omelette."

Amaryllis made a face at that.

"Rhawrexdee has a man's appetite," Booksie said with a nod as she returned to the stove and started to stir the omelette. It took both hands and a large wooden spatula. "This is just an appetiser for him, really."

"Do you cook for him often?" I asked.

Booksie blushed prettily. "My mother always told me that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. Rhawrexdee doesn't insist that I cook, but I like it when he enjoys what I make for him."

"Well, I'm sure we can help," I said with a nod. "Unless you'd rather it all be made with love?"

Booksie's little blush deepened quite a bit. "Broccoli! Come now, I don't mind a little help, and I doubt Rhawr will mind either. Can you stir? I'll get some more wood for the stove from the back."

"Why not use a spell for that?" Amaryllis asked.

"Ah, it's too magic-intensive. The stove has a rune for it, but it's only good for heating a small pan. If I try to push in enough magic to heat this thing, the rune will burn out, so I need to fill the firebox with wood and cook that way, otherwise breakfast will only be ready for supper," Booksie said.

"I'm certain we can assist!" Desiree replied. "Fire is a speciality of mine, I'll have you know."

"Oh... well, I wouldn't say no to that," Booksie said. "By the way, Broccoli... I was wondering if you could help me--us--with something?"


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