Blacksmith of the Apocalypse - C.1000. Heart SeekerFeb 26, 2024

Blacksmith of the Apocalypse

C.1000. Heart SeekerFeb 26, 2024

This content is taken from free web

---Holy Land, 3 Days Later---

Riding a giant boar, the oni general came before the great gates of the orctown. It was a huge fortified settlement surrounded by 15m high city walls and a barrier. It was a frontier city at the edge of Kozdam's heartland on Urth.

“Halt, who are you? What do you want at Gurruk's Haven?” the guard grunted, brandishing its weapon against the mounted visitor.

“I'm General Viggu under Prince Durzub, I have concerning news,” the oni announced pridefully.

“Nice try. General Viggu died during a campaign more than a year ago!” the guard said snarly. Viggu brandished his axe and his aura descended on the guard.

“Do. Not. Mock. Me. I did not die but was held prisoner by the Demon Maestro. A terrifying being recently attacked his territory which finally gave me the chance to escape. But the same entity seems to have turned against our Kingdom. I only found empty and destroyed garrisons and settlements on my way here. This one could be the next!” Viggu spoke with feverish valor and conviction. The guard couldn't help but believe him.

“We will report your arrival to the city lord,” the guard that stayed silent so far finally said disgruntled. “he will decide whether we should believe or capture you.”

“So this was what you meant when you said that we were not alone. I thought you were only speaking of your golem, but I didn't expect you had other companions in your ring,” Tano'Mol commented, as they visited Viggu enter the city from a distance.

“Yeah, I called him before I picked you up. I thought he would be helpful to get past the defense of some of these.”

After all, they didn't want any of them to retreat into the dungeon and escape. It was best if they all died in the circumference of the soul collection formation the demon had deployed. For this, it was not helpful if he had to attack the barrier several times before it fell. Viggu was their Trojan horse, that helped them get in and past the defenses. Seth didn't doubt the Oni's loyalty at any point since he was resurrected using a divine skill.

Soon, soldiers started quickly popping up on the walls of the city. It seemed that Viggu had successfully persuaded the city lord of the truth and urgency of his news. The whole city had been alerted. Even among orcs, it was a standard procedure that civilians would stay in their houses while the soldiers manned the barricades.

Seth knew this because he had a long talk with Viggu after he realized that he actually had an insider with him. He also asked him about the inner workings of being a multidimensional kingdom operation on the dungeon system. It was as he thought, only those blessed as dungeon monsters by the dungeon god were able to become the master of a dungeon.

There were only four people in his inner circle who fulfilled that requirement. For one, Viggu still held that blessing of the Dungeon Gods, despite being resurrected with the <Seeds of Hades>. Buzz, the Vespinae general, and Angelique were the same as former dungeon monsters. Maybe Al'Zalsar was also able to take control of a dungeon since she was a boss when they first met, but he didn't know where she was currently. The crux of the matter was, that one needed this blessing, or they couldn't take control of the dungeon.

Since he currently had only Viggu with him, he obviously didn't have him take control of some random dungeon. After laying waste to 43 smaller settlements and garrisons, this was the first dungeon they would consider taking over.

Below this city was a traditional labyrinthine lv.80 dungeon with 70 floors. Accordingly, the Orcs in the city and the dungeon had a standard of lv.75-80. At least the warriors did, it was around lv.65 for the civilians. Viggu had confirmed these numbers he had from the guild quest.

“Since Viggu prepared the dish, let's dig in.”

Seth started making gestures with his hands and a wall of fire started growing in view of the city. From this blazing gate stepped a giant figure. The severely underutilized summoning of the Fire Giant that was part of the set effect of the Trignis Gloves finally came into play.

What appeared was a giant humanoid with flaming red skin and magma-black armor. Ar brightly burning beard gave the otherwise almost featureless face a character. The only other feature was the brightly burning eyes. With the roaring of a wildfire, the giant started moving toward the city.

Where they had been previously just alerted, they were now in an emergency state that brought all the warriors to the surface. Skills and magic were shooting toward the fiery giant as he walked toward the city wall, to tear it down.

“What do you think, how long will Viggu take to-?” Tano'mol's question ended mid-sentence when the city barrier started flickering and vanished. That was how long Viggu took to kill the city lord and get rid of the core of the barrier. The fire giant had just been a distraction, within a ruse.

Well, it was not a complete distraction, as Seth and the Fire giant lifted their arms at the same time, as they conjured the Draconic Titan Flame. It rained on the city within the barrier, only sparing the residence of the city lord, prominently situated on the central ridge of the city. In dismay, the orc warriors were forced to watch as all they wished to protect was swallowed by flames within seconds.

As they turned to watch the city burn, a light also appeared on their backs. A great show of light rays flooded the city walls. The blacksmith had used <Apollo's Rain of Light >, thrice, spending a whopping 15 000 mana. Seth had deliberately used <Pyromancy> to light the city, to save mana for this move.

<Ding! Title: "Sworn Enemy of Kozdam" gained. "You have killed over 5000 citizens of Kozdam" People of Kozdam will feel hostile to you automatically. You have gained 500p Power of Existence.>

<Ding! Your title Title: "Goblin Hunter" has become “Goblin Slayer”. "You have killed over 3000 Goblins" +50% Damage against Goblins.>

<Ding! Title: "Orc Hunter " gained. "You have killed over 1000 Orcs" + 20% Damage against orcs..>

<Ding! You have fulfilled a hidden condition. You have killed over 5000 Goblin-kin. Mind Reaper is evolving.>

<Heart Seeker, Mind Reaper

Unique, Egonovelbuddy .com

Phys. Damage: 1500 (New +200)

Mag. Damage: 450 (New)

Durability: 3500 (New +500)

1. Arrows shot with this bow show great malice and will out of their way to hit vital points.

2. Inflicted wounds will:

Cause terrifying pain,

Won't heal naturally but start decaying,

Have a high chance of infection and poisoning.

3. +75% Damage against Goblin-kind

4.65% Chance to cause mind disruption on hit (Effects: Stun/Confusion/Terror)

5. 25% Chance of causing Mind Decay on hit

6. 8% Chance to cause Soul Decay

7. Active Skill: Life Reaper

8. Active Skill: Heart Seeker

A terrifying weapon made by the devious hands of Master Smith, the first Master Blacksmith and Master Enchanter of Urth. A bow that has developed a malicious ego that will do anything to kill its benefactor’s enemies and torment them.

If someone unworthy tries to use this bow they will be hit by the Curse of Decay in body and mind.

Usage Requirements: Seth Smith/Acknowledgment by Seth Smith, 90 Strength>

Seth listened to the notification, only to look at the bow in shock. He gripped the bow more securely. The bard had never expected that there would be hidden conditions that could evolve the items he made himself. His heart raced a little when he thought of how he obtained the soul for the bow.

Back then, it had been the Vengeful Soul of one of the few survivors of his hometown. A woman who died as the toy of a group of goblins and an orc. It was one of the few souls he had gotten through the quest of the system. Thinking back, the condition of killing enough of her sworn enemies, fit the original Vengeful Soul.

Apart from several improvements, such as magical damage which was new, and the additional damage to goblin-kind, there was also a new skill, fitting the name change.

<Active Skill: Heart Seeker No Cost, cool down 10 minutes

A targeted shot, that will find the weakness of the target. Has a low chance to fail in killing the target. >

It was similar to the <Life Reaper>, but this one allowed Seth to shoot at a target instead of making an unarmed shot that would seek to kill the next best hostile enemy. It was better, even if it had a chance to fail, as it could at least indicate where the weak points might be, even if it didn't succeed in killing it.

After calming down a little he also looked at his new titles. "Sworn Enemy of Kozdam" was probably unavoidable. What came as a nice surprise was that it brought him Power of Existence. Though it was small, was getting his name out there by making alliances or enemies another way to farm points? Even if it was, it was too much of a hassle...

Another good news was that the title he had only recently gotten “Goblin hunter” had already evolved thanks to his efforts over the past three days. The same efforts had also given him the “Orc Hunter” title, which was going to prove useful in the next two days when they continued their raids like this.

As he was checking the titles and bow, the kill notifications kept going as warriors on the wall and citizens in the city kept dying to the flames and decay. And while Seth listened to their death notifications, the counter in Tano'Mol's hand went up.

Today was a good day, the blacksmith thought to himself and he watched the city burn to the ground.

