A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway! - C.188: Oasis


This chaptš™šr is updated by fr(e)ewš’†bnov(e)l.com

As the warm breeze carried away Eiji's last ashes, everyone resumed their tasks. It was time for the living to fight the dead.

Under Hyshana's orders, the eight surviving hoplites went their separate ways. Three headed towards Log-a-rhythm to rest. Kazuki had sought permission to let his soldiers sleep safely. The hoplites fought to defend the base and deserved to rest in a protected place.

Moreover, if one of them were to pass away in their sleep, they wouldn't succumb to corruption.

Two other soldiers were assigned to military engineering. Their initial task involved deconstructing their old barracks, with Hyshana deciding to recycle the wood to reinforce the rampart surrounding the clearing.

The last group had the most critical mission. Armed and vigilant, they patrolled the domain's border, opening the barrier and guiding the corrupted into bio-traps. The base needed Sun points more than ever.

A few minutes before the merchant's arrival, Priam followed Alain and Rose. The two artisans were working on a defensive turret project. Priced at five thousand points in the Sun Shop, its blueprint was available at half price. In addition to the discount, building the machine allowed the two humans to enhance their skills.

As Alain refined his wood control, Rose traced runes that would enable the turret to condense ambient aether into projectiles, rotate, aim, and fire.

"How does the turret identify the corrupted?" asked Priam.

"I bought a rune that establishes a connection between an object and Log-a-rhythm," explained Rose. "The original turret targeted Necro Concept carriers, but Log-a-rhythm isn't as limited. Moreover, its knowledge of everyone's position enables it to prevent friendly fire"

"The connection is made through ambient aether?"

"It requires direct contact, but the roots make that easy."

"That's clever!" exclaimed Priam.

Rose smiled before showing him the rest of the circuit. Dozens of sigils intersected like components in an electrical network. That Rose could create such combinations with mental attributes below a hundred proved her extraordinary talent.

"You can be proud of yourself," smiled Priam. The teenager blushed. She was at a stage in her life where she needed recognition to thrive, and Priam was happy to offer sincere compliments.

[Two minutes before the merchant's arrival.]

"I have to go; the merchant is coming," said Priam.

"I hope he sells spices! By the way, when do we become Homo Elysian?" asked Rose. "I'm interested in the attribute boost."

"I'm waiting for Jasmine to finish her Tribulations. If the System doesn't take this boost into account, then it's better to wait for your first Tribulation," explained Priam. If that were the case, the racial upgrade would increase their chances of survival.

At the mention of Tribulations, Rose and Alain cast a fearful glance towards the pyre. Mirscella's death was a warning that everyone took seriously.

"We'll wait..." replied Rose.

Priam nodded before heading to the forum. Kazuki and Hyshana were already there. The two hoplites weren't wearing their armor, but each had a hand close to a weapon. In front of them, the summoning sigil finished charging with aether in a bright flash. Priam expected a portal to open and was disappointed.

A transparent bubble expelled all matter, then burst, revealing a massive white bison with intelligent eyes.

"... Doesn't look like an elf," commented Priam as he approached to caress the creature's immaculate fur. Standing close to two meters, Priam wasn't small, but his hand barely reached the bison's shoulder. "Where is your master?"

The bison blinked before opening its mouth. Reality warped to the right of the Menhir of Secrets. Thunder accompanied the appearance of a red and white pavilion. Lavishly decorated, the tent would fit in a desert oasis. Two flaps covering the entrance opened to let an individual out.

Priam hadnt expected Ymir to be so majestic. His wise eyes calmly surveyed the world. The elf was tall, slim, and had white eyebrows that surprised Priam. Snowy hair was gathered in a chignon held by a handle-less blade. His albino skin was partially concealed by a dawn-colored mage robe. He looked more like a scholar than a merchant.

The elf stepped forward, crossing his fingers in front of him. The impractical gesture made it challenging to strike easily and must be a form of greeting.

"Lord Azura, Ymir Saharn offers his respects," he said in an unknown language that Priam had no trouble understanding. A Talent necessary to communicate with his clients.

"Merchant Ymir, it's a pleasure to have you among us," replied Priam, gesturing to Kazuki and Hyshana. "Here are Kazuki and Hyshana, Champions of the Hoplites and defenders of our base."

Ymir mimicked Priam's gesture to greet the two hoplites. "I entrust my safety to your expert hands." He turned to Priam, who was still caressing the bison. "I see you've met Ka'shak. He's a bison with a taotie bloodline. The ideal companion for any wandering merchant."

"A life that must be as exciting as it is dangerous. I presume the current event convinced you to abandon the wandering aspect of your profession."

Ymir smiled, revealing blood-red teeth. "Elysium is dangerous in normal times, and the necro event only worsens things. I needed a base, and you needed a merchant... Here we are, brought together by the System," the elf smiled, placing his palm on his forehead. It must be a religious or superstitious gesture.

"The System rewards those who help themselves." Priam appreciated the neutrality of the System. "Do you need time to prepare your goods?"

"Not at all. I'd be happy to show you my humble shop."

The merchant invited them into his pavilion. Upon entering, Priam whistled in astonishment. The tent was spatially enhanced, and the interior was the size of two tennis courts. Rows of shelves and stalls were arranged to allow visitors to admire the displayed items.

"As a wandering merchant, I sell everything," explained Ymir. "In my bazaar, you'll find weapons, medicines, elixirs, pets, food, clothes..."

"Egg-laying birds?" asked Hyshana. The hoplites were more carnivorous than omnivorous, and the diet of fish and berries was starting to tire them.

"Let me prepare an omelette to convince you to buy some auhracks," smiled Ymir.

The elf didn't look like a merchant, but he had a business sense.

"Living as a wandering merchant in such a dangerous world must not be easy with creatures lurking around," remarked Kazuki, running his finger along the tip of a bone lance.

Ymir shook his head. "My skills allow me to avoid the most perilous places. It's the thieves that are the most challenging to deal with. Tradition obliges me to bury them myself."

The implication was clear; Ymir wasn't defenseless.

"What kind of currency do you accept?" asked Hyshana.

"Normally, I engage in bartering with local tribescores, rare plants, leathers... However, I can now accept Sun points."

The information was interesting. The use of bartering meant that no power had succeeded in imposing its currency. Their region was a sort of Wild West: opportunities were plentiful, but no higher authority would protect the rights of the inhabitants.

"Are there many local tribes?" asked Kazuki.

Ymir shrugged. "The Wandering Islands are immense. I've spent the last century exploring them and have only seen a small part. What interests both of us are the nearest tribes. One of my Talents indicates three tribes approaching and likely to settle here."

Priam grimaced. According to Seth, the tribes had Tier 3 fighters. At least.

"Why would three different tribes decide to come at the same time?" Hyshana's question interested Priam, who listened closely.

"The Seven push away the most dangerous creatures when new Champions arrive. This predator vacuum is a boon for locals living in fear of a cataclysm triggered by a bored high Tier."

"Do you think these tribes will be hostile?"

Ymir placed his palm on his forehead again. "Only the Seven know. Nevertheless, for reasons that border on superstition, tribes refuse to establish territories. Your camp, though primitive, is their only way to access the Sun Shop Auctions. If you play your cards right, their presence will be a boon rather than a bane."

Priam's face remained impassive as he insulted Seth inwardly. Lets hope leaving one of theirs for dead isn't reason enough for them to attack us...

While Kazuki asked for details about the nomadic lifestyle favored by the Wandering Islands inhabitants, Priam pondered the opportunity offered by these tribes. Perhaps I could direct them against Sumstreh...

A few minutes later, seeing Priam gazing distractedly at his merchandise, Ymir approached.

"My instinct tells me I will have a better chance of selling you plant samples than these crockery."

Priam looked up in surprise at Ymir. Log-a-rhythm had already accumulated over eight hundred Potential points, and he was already considering which upgrades to purchase. I could sacrifice some plants to it.

Ymir led him to the end of the pavilion. Kazuki and Hyshana had disappeared behind shelves, but the elf didn't seem concerned. It was safe to assume that he knew everything happening in his shop.

"This is my garden," he said, opening a sliding door. "I use some of these plants in my diet, but everything is for sale."

The characteristic smell of earth assaulted Priam's nostrils upon entering the greenhouse. Heated and artificially lit, it probably didn't exceed thirty square meters but displayed an impressive variety of vegetables, flowers, and tubers of all kinds.

If you spot this story on Amazon, know that it has been stolen. Report the violation.

Establishing a mental connection with Log-a-rhythm, Priam smiled as an alien curiosity invaded him. If he could sacrifice this garden, Log-a-rhythm would gain thousands of potential points.

"How much would one of each plant cost?" asked Priam as his hearts accelerated.

"For such a massive purchase, I can give you a wholesale price: three million Sun points."

Priam opened his mouth, stunned by the merchant's audacity. "Three million?!"

"Half of these plants have little value, about a hundred thousand points," explained Ymir. "The other half is rarer. Some plants come from other sectors of Elysium, even from other worlds or universes, brought back by travelers, descendants of Champions, and merchants. The only reason I have such a wide variety of plants is my vegetarian diet."

Priam looked at the plants resignedly. As a merchant, it was expected that Ymir would boast about his goods, but he had little to gain by cheating the lord who hosted him. If Priam felt wronged, nothing prevented him from demanding reparation...

A small voice in his head whispered to steal what he coveted, but Priam silenced it. Stealing from strangers to survive was acceptable, and he had done it during the Reunion. However, his honor forbade him from stealing from someone who depended on him. A lord who pillages his territory sacrifices the future.

"We'll go gradually then," replied Priam. "Do you have plants with anticoagulant properties?"

[Hemorrhage Resistance] was currently stuck at the common rank because Priam refused to choose a mediocre upgrade. His System had given him an idea to unlock a high upgrade: dying from bleeding. For that, using a plant capable of thinning the blood was necessary.

Ymir showed him twelve different plants, and Priam bought them all for fifteen thousand Sun points. Being stingy about his own progress was foolish.

"Do you need anything else?" asked the merchant.

"The main reason for your summoning was to unlock the Auctions. Is it possible now?"

"I will go establish the contract with the Guardian of Secrets today. My commission is fifteen percent. Is that acceptable?"

"That suits me. How do we proceed?"

"Follow me," smiled Ymir. The merchant led him to the center of the pavilion, where an altar-like structure stood. Kazuki and Hyshana approached as Ymir conjured a holographic screen. š˜§š˜³ā„Æš“®š˜øš“®š‘š“·š“øš“暝“®š“.š˜¤ā„“š˜®

"Opening a new channel only requires your spiritual signature and the name of your territory."

As the altar scanned him, Priam thought of a name. He had never really had a reason to name his base, but they needed one to open up to the world.

"Any ideas?" asked Priam.

"You're the Lord," replied Kazuki before looking at his wife. "Hyshana says I have no talent for finding names."

"He wanted to name our daughter Dorii. In English, that would be Speary," sighed Hyshana.

"A powerful name," defended Kazuki. "Right?"

The name was ridiculous, but Priam didn't want to betray his rival. He just had to dodge the question.

"... I'm not familiar enough with hoplite customs to have an informed opinion."

"In any case, it's your responsibility as Lord to name your territory," insisted Hyshana.

Priam thought about his territory, Elysium, his new life, and his loved ones. What did he want to create as a base? A haven of peace, abundance, and exchanges for its residents. A sanctuary in the heart of a ruthless world. Naturally, a word appeared.


The portal leading to the clearing closed behind Priam. The Auctions would soon be available, but Hyshana and his father knew what to buy. While others could manage the camp, Priam, Kazuki, and Jasmine were the only three capable of handling the worst threats. So, Priam decided to delegate some tasks to focus on his progression.

"Finally alone..."

Tired from his recent social interactions, particularly the funeral vigil, Priam forced himself to relax. Unless the base were under attack, he would not be disturbed. In the training room created for the occasion, he was cut off from the world. The dim light emitted by the sap pulsating in the wood beneath his feet was the only stimulation.

Log-a-rhythm served him a bowl of fresh sap as Priam contemplated his upcoming training. Without meridians, there was no aether. His options were therefore limited to Supremacies and Concepts. Priam hadn't decided yet what to do with Mist, and had an idea to boost his Pyro affinity without using draconic Soul Harmonization or an affinity Token. However, this idea required his death.

That left his Supremacies, particularly Mastery. Its absence highlighted one of Priam's weaknesses: insufficient mastery of the spear. It was time to remedy that.

Promesse appeared in Priam's hand.

"Today, I need to train alone," Priam murmured to his weapon. "Please don't try to help me."

Priam thought he felt a sense of approval from his weapon.

"I'm ready," he announced.

[Start of the "Spear Mastery" training program.]

The formidable AGI of his system had prepared a program tailored to Priam to work on his Supremacies. The method was based on the training, duels, and battles observed by Log-a-rhythm. Each occupant of the base had been analyzed, and the Assistant had compiled the collected data.

[Step 1: Use Micro to ignore your sight sense.]

Priam complied. A veil of darkness fell before his still-open eyes. The sound of his breathing and hearts intensified while his sense of balance heightened.

[Step 2: Use only Micro to control your body. Avoid any instinctive movement. Use Domain to navigate in space.

Tip: Pay attention to air movements, sound wave propagation, and temperature gradients within your authority sphere. The slightest suspicious data can reveal the presence of camouflage or illusion.]

As a plan to overthrow Sumstreh took shape in his mind, Priam had not forgotten ve. His add-on had devised a training to counter his rival's powers.

Having already unlocked Micro I, Priam completed Step 2 without much difficulty. However, he was aware that maintaining this control in a stressful situation would not be as easy.

[Step 3: Follow the movements of your Shadow Rival.]

A shadow appeared, identical to Priam in every way. The illusion, a mental injection from his add-on, took shape and began practicing hoplite katas. Priam copied it while monitoring the air disturbances created by his movements.

Priam pirouetted through the air with his spear, a deadly grace unfolding in each fluid movement. His lithe form weaved an intricate tapestry of precision and power. In the dim light, his every step echoed the artistry of a warrior lost in the cadence of battle.

Seconds turned into minutes, and the exercise became inhumane. Focused, Priam forced himself to analyze every piece of information transmitted by his Domain. His terrifying quickness increased his thought speed, but he was born human. The upgrades of his race had not changed his brain structure. Thus, he could not process multiple problems simultaneously.

Lvl Up: [Shadow Boxing] lvl 9

STR +1

AGI +1


With the level-up, a minuscule amount of aether entered his body. Under normal circumstances, Priam wouldn't have noticed, but the absence of aether circulating in his meridians made the influx evident to his senses. A skills level-up gives me aether? Where does it go?

Surprised, his concentration broke, and Priam failed to execute a movement. Annoyance surged in his chest, and he forced himself to exhale. The shadow restarted from the beginning, and Priam imitated it. As the exercise progressed, his frustration disappeared.

While his breath became raspy, Priam stumbled upon a challenging kata. Refusing to succumb to frustration, he merely breathed. His mistake showed him the way. He just needed not to repeat it to improve.

Cut off from the world, Priam failed and restarted, again and again. Without daylight or a watch, time seemed suspended. He wouldn't have been able to say when, but eventually, practice made perfect.

Lvl Up: [Shadow Boxing] lvl 10, 11

STR +2

AGI +2


Lvl Up: [Gymnastics] lvl 7,...,15

AGI + 9

Lvl Up: [Balance] lvl 14, 15, 16

AGI +3


There was nothing like stretches and hoplite katas to work on flexibility and physical coordination. Priam smiled as he saw his strength and agility reach four hundred ninety-five points. The first threshold was close.

[Step 4: Face your Rival Shadow. The shadow will change in size and technique every ten minutes.

Tip: Since [Kinetic Control] is unavailable, simulating the clash between two weapons is impossible. An evasive fighting style has been selected to account for this limitation.

Despite this, resetting your body as soon as [He Who Eludes Death] cooldown ends is strongly encouraged. Death number 7 (Exsanguination) is preferred.]

Priam had a thin smile, remembering the creative deaths listed by his system. The worst part is that I'll end up testing them all...

The shadow went on guard, and Priam cleared his mind. It was time to unlock his Mastery. [Focus].



Strength 495 (+4)

Constitution 856

Agility 495 (+22)

Vitality 765

Perception 685


Vivacity 421

Dexterity 547 (+9)

Memory 318

Willpower 925

Charisma 585


Meta-affinity 418

Meta-focus 350

Meta-endurance 296

Meta-perception 204

Meta-chance 230

Meta-authority 30

Potential: 1962 (+21)

Tier 0

Sun points: 34 853 (-1 731)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 4 hours 43 minutes 22 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Three Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 166 days 5 hours 16 minutes 15 seconds.

Next thresholds: 6 attributes > 600 / 3 attributes > 900/ 1 attribute > 1 200

