A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway! - C.163: Friends or Foes?


This chaptš’†r is updated by free(w)ebnovel(.)com

In the heart of her mecha, Hyshana took a deep breath as a surge of aether engulfed the military hangar. Kazuki hadn't lied about the aether density in Elysium.

Automated turrets and an entire battalion of hoplites surrounded the portal. A class-four railgun had even been built to contain any potential breach. Ishaka took the security of their new capital seriously, and Hyshana approved.

The rift began to stabilize, and the general's training kicked in as she assessed the situation. The passage created by [Hearthstone] led to a clearing with meticulously maintained blue grass. This worried Hyshana, as Kazuki wasn't the gardening type.

In the background, a towering tree dominated the space. That was the first word that came to the Champion's mind. Her instincts sensed a potential threat, and she tensed. As the rift stabilized, she identified the oak tree illuminated by three suns.


[Log-a-rhythm - Tier 0 - ?] - The Guardian of the Forest.

Hyshana frowned. Her skill, an enhanced version of [Identification], should have provided more information. [Multi-Analysis] assessed the target using various sensors and her onboard AI. Typically, Hyshana would glean at least some weaknesses of the opponent.

A shield against probes could explain the modest response from her skill. Another possibility existed: the tree was far more powerful than her. Hyshana had a way to determine which option was correct.

[Survival Instinct] - Code orange.

I have a chance to flee, but not to defeat it. At least, not with my own skills. The news was harsh, but Kazuki had warned them. In Elysium, the hoplites wouldn't be the masters.

The rift stopped expanding and stabilized as a portal. In a secure communication channel, Hyshana heard Ishaka's voice.

"Proudly bear the glory of our race, Champion."

"I will, Supreme General."

Hyshana didn't like Ishaka, and the feeling was mutual. However, this mission surpassed their personal quarrel. Without further delay, Hyshana ordered her phalanx to advance. The formation included nine hoplites at the top of the Titan class, ten with her. One by one, the warriors crossed.

A second later, Hyshana passed through the portal, which imploded behind her. There would be no return until the next Reunion.

The hoplite troops took up position, forming a circle with their leader at the center. None were too close to each other to limit casualties in case of a zone attack.

"Suspect individual at three, General."

Allowing her AI to monitor Log-a-rhythm's movements, Hyshana turned in the direction indicated by her subordinate.

Near the river, a young biped seated in a fire observed the hoplites. Without clothing or weapons, he could have passed for a savage if not for a certain aura surrounding him. An aura of steel, fire, and conquest. A warrior.

His relaxed demeanor and presence in a place that should have been secured by Kazuki shook Hyshana. Her husband would never let a stranger welcome her. Either he was a friend, or Kazuki was...

Refusing to entertain the worst possibility, Hyshana commanded her mecha to approach the young stranger. If he was a threat, she needed to deal with it promptly.


[Priam Azura - Tier 0 - Earl] - Kazukis rival. Deaths obsession.

[Survival Instinct] - Code BLACK.

Kazuki's rival...

The second Title was even more terrifying. Who could be powerful enough to obsess Death? Hyshana trembled for a moment before pressing on.

"Code Black," she announced to her team. The hoplites slowly began to change position. The grand tree was no longer the priority. Hyshana's heart beat rapidly as she concentrated on keeping her team alive.

Facing a Code Black, escape was impossible. Even the nuclear bombs embedded in the mechas wouldn't be enough to defeat this monster. Nevertheless, Hyshana refused to surrender without a fight. The hoplites faced death head-on.

After stretching, the stranger stood up and took a step forward. Simultaneously, the flames vanished, and a cloak of mist covered his nudity. Hyshana's sensors detected no use of aether, a sign that he had just employed two different Concepts. The casual display of power tightened the general's heart.

Was she going to die here, vanquished by the one who might have already killed her husband? The monster gave her a smile, and Hyshana had to invoke Micro to keep her anger low. Priam Azura, surrounded by a dozen of the world's finest hoplites, didn't seem worried.

"Priam, Champion and Spear of the Humans," he introduced himself in the Hoplite language. He stopped about fifteen meters away from her and inclined his head slightly. The greeting mirrored Kazuki's, confirming that the two rivals had interacted. "Pleased to meet you."

His charismatic aura enveloped Hyshana, manipulating her emotions to accept his words. In a feat of willpower, the Champion activated Micro to clear her mind. The mere presence of the individual influenced her feelings, making her angry at herself and Priam.

"Hyshana, Champion and Will of the Hoplites," she responded coldly. "I am looking for Kazuki, one of your rivals. Do you know where he is?"

Priam's misty eyes smiled as he pointed to a hole behind him. "Kazuki went down there almost two days ago. Hes facing his Tribulations. All I know is that he's alive."

"I see..."

One of the hoplites approached the hole, taking a detour to avoid Priam, who kept smiling.

"Theres two bone staircases going down. My sensors go haywire when I try to scan the depths," reported the scout.

Hyshana gritted her teeth upon hearing the report. They were at an impasse. Priam's attitude was friendly, but it might be a facade. She needed more information, but if the stairs were a trap, she'd be sending one of her men to death before the actual battle began. On the other hand, if he was telling the truth, she didn't want to compromise the pact Kazuki had made.

"Oh, you think it's a trap," chuckled Priam after a few moments of silence. "I assure you, we are allies. Kazuki and I were rivals, but we made a pact to survive here. He'll tell you more when he returns."

"Which could be in a second or never," replied Hyshana.

"Well, thats Elysium for you. But, you know that Kazuki is a tough guy."

Hyshana stared at her opponent, scrutinizing his words in search of a clue. Priam sighed.

"I understand your suspicion, but let's logically analyze the situation: what would I gain from making all this up?"

The implication was clear: Priam didn't feel threatened, and Hyshana's group wasn't worthy of him setting a trap. It was terrible, but it was the truth.

"Perhaps you have a weakness you want to protect? You'd win a frontal fight, but each of our mechas is equipped with a hydrogen bomb. If one of them explodes here..."

Priam's gaze flickered briefly to Log-a-rhythm before hardening. The hoplite strategist smiled: she had found a vulnerability.

She's completely paranoid! Priam was annoyed by the situation. Kazuki had vanished, and his wife seemed to think he was a manipulative killer. They had barely exchanged a few words, and the tension was so high that she had pretty much threatened him. Priam felt his patience wearing thin.

Regarding the threat itself, Priam was conflicted. Log-a-rhythm would survive a nuclear explosion, but not necessarily the monsters attracted by the fireworks. I hope it wont come to that. After all, Hyshana was his friend's wife. Kazuki had saved the lives of his loved ones several times, and Priam didn't want their relationship to sour over a misunderstanding. I'll make an effort for you, my friend... šŸreššŽš˜„ššŽš›šš—oššŸel.cšØšš–

"I think we got off on the wrong foot," said Priam. "I can understand that the lack of information is stressful, but it would be a mistake for us to fight. As I told you, I am a friend of Kazuki."

The mecha stared at him in silence, and Priam internally grimaced. He couldn't see Hyshana's expressions under her mechanical armor. He focused on his charisma, trying to glean some information.

What he found made him swear. Hyshana took his desire for peace as an admission of guilt. Fucking hoplites! Their martial society hated weakness, and Priam had made a mistake by trying to be kind. Kazuki had integrated so well that Priam had forgotten that the hoplite was an exception, not the norm.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

"The tree is important, isn't it? That's where you've locked up my husband?" Hyshana asked in a chilly tone. She didn't know how close she was to the truth.

One of the hoplites approached Log-a-rhythm, and Priam rode his mist. He emerged between the trunk and the soldier.

"Despite the friendship I share with Kazuki, I won't let a hostile individual approach my tree," he declared in a firm tone.

The mecha froze, likely awaiting new orders. Tension was rising and Priam was already thinking about how to knock out Hyshana. Suddenly, the surface of the oak tree rippled to allow Sphinx through. All eyes turned to her, and the feline strutted, tail held high, until she reached Priam.

"Who are these people?" Sphinx asked telepathically.

"Kazukis, and they think we captured him. I don't know how to convince them otherwise..."

"Let me handle it!"

Priam smiled, deciding to trust the adorable creature. Thanks to her karmic instinct and cuteness, she might salvage the situation. Anyway, she wasn't risking much. With her constitution and in her true form, Sphinx had a chance of surviving a small-scale atomic explosion. Which couldn't be said for everyone.

"No one leaves without my permission. Jasmine, if the situation escalates, you have my permission to attack," he sent to Log-a-rhythm through his add-on.

Sphinx approached Hyshana's mecha before sniffing it.

"You're your husband's wife!" exclaimed Sphinx in her childlike voice.

"... Yes? Do you know Kazuki?"

Sphinx nodded.

"He helps me catch fish, and I help him train. I increase the gravity around him during his exercises and pose riddles. He's the most muscular hoplite I know!" Sphinx paused for a moment to count on her toes. "Well, he's the only hoplite I knew... But now I know you! He told me his wife captured the moon in her hair, is that true?"

After a second of silence, the mecha's helmet opened, revealing Hyshana. Her martial face was enhanced by piercing eyes that observed Sphinx carefully. Impeccable black hair was gathered in a bun. Silver highlights, reminiscent of a sword blade or the moon's gleam, were scattered throughout.

"My husband always exaggerates," she finally responded.

Sphinx nodded. "It's because he's in love. But you do have splendid hair!"

"Not as splendid as your mane. I am Hyshana, and you?"

"I'm Sphinx, and I'm twenty days old!"

"You're very precocious," Hyshana smiled, glancing at Priam. "Would you answer a few of my questions?"

Thanks to his friends natural charm, Priam sensed that the general had softened somewhat. Her mission was, of course, a priority, but she was willing to listen to Sphinx. Priam allowed himself a small sigh of relief. He had feared having to kill his friend's wife.

Sphinx jumped to land in a bound on Hyshana's mecha. "You wanted to ask me questions? It is to confirm that Priam is really Kazuki's friend, right?"

Hyshana nodded. "That's right."

"Hmm... Okay. But first, you have to prove that you're Kazuki's wife."

"... Pardon?"

Priam and Hyshana stared at Sphinx, dumbfounded. The young legendary creature solemnly nodded her head.

"Kazuki told me that villains are sneaky. Maybe you're forcing us to prove our identity to lower our guard and give you information about our friend!

After a few seconds of silence, Hyshana cracked a smile. "All right, then. What can I do to prove my identity?"

"Answer this riddle. Why have you already shot your husband a thousand times?"

"Because I have a passion for photography."

Sphinx turned to Priam. "It's really her!" she shouted.

Priam gave a thumbs-up to his friend.

"I reckon I can give you the benefit of the doubt for now."

Priam almost rolled his eyes. After more than a quarter of an hour in conversation with Sphinx, Hyshana had finally decided to believe him.

"That's mighty kind of you," replied Priam. He couldn't contain all his sarcasm.

"Indeed. Sphinx told me you're Kazuki's training partner."

"That's right. Want a demonstration?" Priam asked. An ordinary human might have taken this as a threat, but it was perfectly normal to ask for it in hoplite terms.

Hyshana drew her sword. "That's exactly what I want."

Yeah, thats Kazuki's wife.

Sphinx yawned as the two adversaries locked eyes. Perhaps due to her age or feline heritage, she needed a lot of sleep each day. A mere twelve-hour night was barely enough. It was one of the differences between her and her best friend. Priam hardly ever slept, preferring to train. Sphinx felt sorry for him.

Thanks to [ ], she gained attributes even while sleeping. This racial talent allowed her physical and mental attributes to stay at the same level. As one progressed, so did the other. Sphinx had other racial talents as a Tier 5 race member, but this one was her favorite.

Of course, it remained inferior to her karmic sense. It was the Talent that had jolted Sphinx awake. The link connecting her to Kazuki threatened to break. Sphinx had leaped out of Log-a-rhythm to prevent Hyshana from provoking Priam further. If a fight had broken out, the hoplites would have been slaughtered, and Kazuki...

"Ready?" Priam asked. Sphinx refocused on the fight.

"Ready," Hyshana replied. She had abandoned her mecha and held a simple sword in her right hand.

A spear of fire appeared in front of Priam before shooting toward Hyshana. She dodged, then leaped at her opponent. She moved fast, and her sword gleamed, but Sphinx wasn't worried for her friend.

Promesse appeared, and its blade intercepted the hoplite sword. Mastery crackled against the conquest aura before an explosion separated the two adversaries. Priam absorbed its kinetic energy before charging back at Hyshana. The hoplite struggled to regain her balance, pressed by Priam's assault.

For almost a minute, the two warriors deployed their techniques, without Mastery or aura, aiming to touch their opponent. Sphinx nodded as she watched Hyshana handle her sword. The swordswoman was impressive, fighting as if she were born with a sword in her hand.

Priam defended himself with his superior attributes. His strength, speed, and reactivity were far higher than Hyshana's. Sphinx noted with satisfaction that her friend never repeated the same mistake twice. Gradually, he refined his style using the opponent's blade as a whetstone. For him, this fight was a joke whose sole purpose was self-improvement.

Faint, thrust, parry, estocade... Hyshana's repertoire seemed endless. In her hands, the blade was a brush painting a canvas. The hoplite warrior turned combat into an art, and Priam was sensitive to it. Of course, his own moves were different as they didnt wield the same weapon, but Hyshana provided him with inspiration.

Priam stepped back when his opponent threatened to breach his guard. A smile adorned his focused face as he scrutinized each move of his adversary. Sphinx was willing to bet that his add-on was currently deconstructing Hyshana's style. If they were to face each other again one day, Priam would know all the skills of the swordswoman.

The intensity of the battle increased as Hyshana's strikes gained momentum. Priam wasn't the only one progressing. Aided by the phenomenal density of aether, Hyshana spread her wings.

Suddenly, the Champion's silhouette doubled. Activating Micro and her Mastery, she delivered a titanic double blow to Priam. It was the all-in move of an exhausted hoplite.

Sphinx felt Priam gather his forces. Propelled by Micro and a terrifying amount of kinetic energy, Promesse accelerated towards the hoplite sword. The next moment, a shockwave blew the air from the clearing.

Priam didn't move an inch, while Hyshana was thrown backward. A pair of wings sprouted from his back before he disappeared from Sphinx's view. Fifty meters away, Hyshana landed. Like a ghost, Priam appeared behind her before she could rise again. A supersonic boom shook the air as Promesse stopped a millimeter from the hoplite's neck.

The swordswoman's eyes dilated, and the air around the two opponents vibrated. The next moment, Priam activated his kinetic skill, canceling Hyshana's skill.

"I lost," she admitted. Her defeat had been total, and the battle one-sided.

Priam retracted his spear before tilting his head slightly. "I won, but it was a good fight. You have better technique than me."

"You'll catch up if you keep training with Kazuki."

"Oh, you believe me now?"

Hyshana nodded. "Some of your moves come from my husband, and they're training moves. You couldn't have copied them if you had just fought together. I apologize for earlier, but this mission is too important to leave anything to chance."

"Apologies accepted. I'm glad the situation didn't escalate," Priam sighed.

"Me too," added a deep voice.

In unison, everyone turned toward the bone stairs. A warrior emerged, and for the first time in weeks, Hyshana displayed a genuine smile.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 420

Constitution 773

Agility 432

Vitality 666

Perception 652


Vivacity 359

Dexterity 453

Memory 185

Willpower 706

Charisma 456


Meta-affinity 408

Meta-focus 298

Meta-endurance 239

Meta-perception 170

Meta-chance 228

Meta-authority 15

Potential: 1120

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED

[Tribulation]: Five Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 173 days 21 hours 21 minutes 38 seconds.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 400 / 6 attribute > 600 / 1 attribute > 800

