A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway! - C.135: Defiance and perseverance


The source of this c𝐹ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

Lvl Up : [Balance] lvl 11,12

AGI +2


Lvl Up: [Parry] lvl 11,12


Lvl Up: [Battle Flow] lvl 10



Lvl Up : [Dodge] lvl 19

AGI +1

Lvl Up: [Perforation Resistance] lvl 19


Lvl Up: [Atomos] lvl 2,3


Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 26,27,28


Lvl Up: [Focus] lvl 35




Lvl Up : [Unrelenting Thrust] lvl 8,9

STR +6

Lvl Up: [Hemorrhage Resistance] lvl 14,15

VIT +2

Lvl up: [Gravity Resistance] lvl 10,11


Lvl Up: [Spear Slash] lvl 10,11

STR +2

Priam's muscles groaned under the strain. Even Sphinx's focused demeanor couldn't coax a laugh out of him anymore. His friend had steadily increased the gravity's intensity, and Priam could feel the influence of this fundamental force on every cell of his body. The distraction of the fight had prevented him from fully grasping the phenomenon, but his body was adapting on its own. His Titles, Talents, skills, and his newfound race were synergizing, compelling his cells to evolve.

His bones were densifying, bolstering his constitution. His blood and marrow were stimulated, evolving with each passing moment, fueling his vitality. His muscle fibers would break before repairing, amplifying his strength. The saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" had never been truer.

Except even death strengthened Priam.

An hour into the spar, the gravity had reached thirty times Earth's. Five minutes later, Kazuki called off the match. After blocking another charge from Priam, his arms trembled.

"This is my limit," he said.

"Already tired?" Priam taunted.

"Your constitution surpasses mine," Kazuki acknowledged.

Priam's nascent smile froze upon hearing the rest of the sentence. "However, you must press on. If you want to unlock Micro, you have to push your limits. Do you guys do strength training on your planet?"

"...Yes," Priam replied after spitting out some blood. The hoplite hadn't held back all his strikes, and Priam suffered from several internal hemorrhages. "But I'm not a big fan..."

He'd frequented a few gyms on Earth, but without consistency. Fitness bored him when there wasn't a system capable of perfectly evaluating his progress and shattering the ceiling of human limits.

"The worse you are, the less you like it. Now that you can do ten thousand pull-ups in a row, you'll appreciate it."

The argument made sense.

"Start with fifty push-ups," Kazuki announced.

"I'm not sure it's the best way to build muscle," Priam remarked.

"Definitely not, but that's not why you're here. You're here to push your body to its limits and feel the pain in every cell."

Priam sighed before assuming the position. As he prepared to execute his first push-up, Kazuki stopped him to correct his form. Once satisfied, the hoplite gave him the green light.

Priam descended for the first time. Focused on [Fitness], he smiled as he performed the physical exercise. Despite the increased gravity and his fatigue, his powerful muscles managed to lift him back up. He began a second descent. Then a third.

The seconds ticked by, and the monotony of the training allowed Priam's mind to ponder. What was the goal of this exercise? Kazuki wanted to wear him down, but more importantly, to familiarize him with his body. Thanks to Micro, Priam could discern which muscles were working the hardest. [Human Anatomy] labeled them: pectoralis major, deltoid, and triceps.

Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 14

STR +1

Smiling, Priam continued his push-ups. Once finished, Kazuki gave him variations. Fifty Diamond push-ups, fifty archer push-ups, fifty flying push-ups, and of course, fifty Sphinx push-ups.

Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 15

STR +1

Lvl up: [Gravity Resistance] lvl 12


With each repetition, Priam's smile widened. Despite the heightened gravity, fatigue seemed unable to grip him. Deep within him was an endless wellspring of energy. This energy regenerated his muscle cells, repaired micro-fissures in his bones, and kept his hearts beating. No, its the opposite! The source of his vitality came from his hearts. The draconic one seemed to possess inexhaustible energy, while the High Human one compelled his cells to evolve.

Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 16

STR +1

Using Micro to monitor his body's condition, Priam smiled. He could feel his strength increasing in real time. [Fitness] taught him how to best apply his knowledge and dexterity to perform perfect push-ups, and the exercise was building his muscles. The System - or was it a skill? - altered the aethereal code of his cells to allow them to evolve beyond terrestrial biology. This was how his STR attribute progressed. When Priam reached the necessary level of knowledge and power, the System notified him of his progress.

I'll retain my attributes even without the System. The Concepts provided him with the tools to optimize his strength and knowledge. The notifications weren't rewards, just... notifications

Micro shook. Understanding his body had brought Priam closer to his evolution.

Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 17

STR +1

After two hundred fifty varied push-ups, Priam finally began to feel his arms tremble. Despite his draconic vitality, he took a quick break to drink and noticed Kazuki furrowing his brows.

"Is something wrong?" Priam asked, setting down his bowl of fresh sap.

"Your body is strengthening in real time."

"I'm gaining skills and, therefore, attributes. Is that a problem?"

"You're already getting used to this gravity. These exercises tire you superficially, not to your core. Right now, if I asked you to do ten thousand push-ups, you'd eventually collapse from exhaustion. Yet, a few minutes later, you'd be ready to continue."

"I'm resilient, and I adapt quickly," Priam admitted. "Are you saying that without an almost... deadly level of fatigue, I won't unlock Micro's Stage 1?"

Kazuki grimaced. "Not necessarily. You might unlock Micro in two minutes. Or maybe never. Your species is different from mine, and I don't know your status. What's certain is that Micro requires an epiphany. According to hoplite researchers, this supernatural inspiration is more likely to occur in situations of intense stress. You're not stressed, neither physically nor mentally."

Priam winced, realizing Kazuki was right. His body felt like it weighed tons, and rather than experiencing fatigue, he relished in the difficulty of moving. He knew his body would evolve to rise to the challenge.

"Let's increase the gravity," he suggested.

"That will put you in danger. Vitality can't heal all injuries," Kazuki warned.

"I know, but it's my decision."

Determination gleamed in Priam's misty eyes. Kazuki must have seen it too, because he sighed. "You're going to do it with or without me, aren't you?"


"... Very well. Sphinx?"

"Right away!"

A leaden weight descended onto Priam's shoulders. "Forty lunar gravities," Sphinx announced. After the transformation of the moon, lunar gravity equated to terrestrial gravity. It was the only unit of measurement she knew.

"I can handle more," Priam requested.

Kazuki grimaced but kept silent as Sphinx concentrated. "Fifty."

The immense gravity now fought against Priam's blood, attempting to prevent the life-giving fluid from reaching his brain. To allow his blood to circulate, Priam's two hearts pulsed forcefully. The vital fluid flowed through the major arteries easily but regularly ruptured small vessels. [Hemorrhage Resistance] had its work cut out for it.

Lvl up: [Gravity Resistance] lvl 13



"Now, a few pull-ups," said Kazuki.

Priam's body grew heavier as the world loaded him with a new burden. Clenching his teeth, he turned his thoughts to Log-a-rhythm. A moment later, the tree grew a reinforced pull-up bar.

Priam grasped it and winced as his tendons - grip and shoulders - neared the breaking point. [Star Iron Body] and [Gravity Resistance] worked at full tilt to enable his body to withstand. He began the exercise with a grunt. Laboriously, he managed to hoist his shoulders above the bar.


Kazuki was silent. He didn't often get the chance to be impressed by a recruit. The hoplite Champion had trained Titan classes: genetically modified hoplites, conditioned to endure mental torture, survive for years in their planet's hostile wilderness, and battle lab-engineered creatures.

In addition to their strength, Titan classes were brilliant. They were called upon for space travel and exploration of dangerous zones. Their intelligence and knowledge stabilized their temperaments. As a result, accidents during training were rare: no one wanted to leave the program due to an injury.

Priam didn't seem bothered by this concern. Usually, Kazuki wouldn't have allowed this kind of attitude, but he was facing a rival, not a recruit. Deep down, a small voice whispered to him that the High Human would do anything to unlock Micro.

In his right pupil, his retinal implant, linked to his Mecha, analyzed Priam.

[The target's temperature is 145% higher than normal. Heartbeats are 20% below cadence. The power of each beat has increased by 80%. The cerebral electric field shows intense activity in the basal nuclei area.]

Kazuki quickly read the report from his AI. Priam's body was finally starting to tire, and his brain was instinctively calling on Micro. The reptilian brain region That's a good sign.

A groan to his right caught his attention.

"You okay, Sphinx?"

The mythological creature was trembling. Channeling her power for so long and with such intensity must have been greatly exhausting her. Yet, Sphinx didn't want to give up. She can be brave when it came to Priam...

"Yes," she managed to articulate painfully. "Seventy..."

Percent, Kazuki understood. Those two are monsters

A grunt escaped Priam's mouth as he completed another pull-up.

Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 18

STR +1

Lvl Up: [Star Iron Body] lvl 29


Lvl up: [Gravity Resistance] lvl 14


Lvl Up : [Balance] lvl 13

AGI +1



A drop of sweat fell into his eye, and an exhausted Priam groaned. This new set of muscle-ups - a pull-up followed by a dip - was grueling. The gravity was hitting him hard, even disrupting his sense of balance. His body had never been this powerful, yet his endurance reserves had never been lower. He wanted to quit at every moment, but his pride refused to let him. He would unlock Micro today.


As he started the forty-eighth pull-up, Priam felt his arms tremble. Fuming, he summoned his hearts again. He needed energy. Two heavy synchronized beats echoed. A rush of pressurized blood surged through his arteries to meet his demand. Some tiny blood vessels burst under the strain, but Priam didn't care.


A strange sensation washed over him, and Priam realized his brain had just blacked out. His mind instantly regained control, and he used Micro. The Supremacy was now the only force capable of moving his muscles. He persevered, refusing to admit defeat.


Priam started another pull-up. Instantly, electric pulses shot from his unconscious brain, traveled through his body, and commanded the muscles to contract or relax. His mental fatigue briefly dissipated, offering Priam a glimpse of the truth. The Supremacy manifested as a force field enveloping his brain. Micro was as linked to his body as it was to his mind. Or to my Will.


Lvl Up: [Fitness] lvl 19

STR +1

The force field trembled. I'm almost there, I just need to figure out how to manipulate this force field.

"You're almost there. Now let's fight," Kazuki suggested.

Priam let go of the pull-up branch. He tried to cushion his fall, but his legs gave out, and he crashed to the ground. Yet, he was smiling. He could almost touch Micro.

I'm almost there.

His brain reconnected. Mobilizing his tired muscles, Priam stood up. His movements were slow, and moving was now a torment. Without a word, he summoned Promesse before turning.

The hoplite advanced, free from any constraints - Sphinx only targeted Priam. The hoplite's gait had changed, and Priam's instincts growled. Kazuki was fully utilizing Micro to move, and every one of his movements carried a preternatural fluidity.

One word came to Priam to describe this power: graceful.

The Champion hoplite raised his spear. Blood glistened on its tip. My blood.

Exhausted, Priam went into a defensive stance. He was now using half his brain and half Micro to move.

Without giving him time to experiment, Kazuki dashed towards him. When the opponents were less than three meters apart, the hoplite thrust. Priam barely dodged to the side and counterattacked. Some of his movements were calculated, using his skills and his Agility. Others were instinctive. Ignoring his notifications, Priam focused on the fight and on Micro.

Thrust, Thrust, Slash, Thrust!

The hoplite blocked and stepped back, taken aback by the ferocity of the assault.

Priam waited for this moment to raise his spear. He feinted to the right, and Kazuki stepped left, weakening his stance. Using his last reserves of strength, Priam launched Promesse. The spear flew through the air, ready to pierce his opponent.

At the last moment, Kazuki growled, and his eyes changed color. Promesse froze in the air as Kazuki advanced. Priam tried to call his spear back, but it didn't respond. What?!

The simple wooden spear threatened to gut him, and Priam roared. He couldn't lose now. He had trained too hard and for too long. Fatigue overwhelmed his mind, but his pride raged. He wanted to win.

Priam raised his hand to block, but Kazuki accelerated further. In an instant, Priam understood he wouldn't have time to grab the opponent's spear. Defeat was approaching, and its arrival ignited Priam's wrath.

Instinctively channeling Micro, Priam ordered his hearts to increase their pace. His left arm accelerated, and Priam opened his hand. A fraction of a second later, the wooden spear impaled his palm.

Kazuki's eyes widened as he saw the spear trapped in Priam's hand. He tried to dislodge it, but it was too late. Priam closed his right hand and prepared to punch. His left hand began to smoke as the hoplite's Mastery tried to free him. A lost cause.

A glint appeared in Kazuki's eyes. The Champion hoplite had pride too. He wanted to win. Closing his own fist, he punched, backed by all the power of his Supremacy. Caught up in the fight, the hoplite didn't even attempt to hold back his blow.

Domain felt a shockwave form in front of Kazuki's fist, and time slowed.

Priam understood he was about to lose. Despite the gravity increasing his weight, despite his physical attributes, despite his Skills and Titles, he was going to lose. Kazuki's attack was perfect and would kill him. He would come back, but he would have lost.

His will refused this reality. Gathering his resolve, he focused his mind and touched the aetheral field of Micro. His Supremacy shook. Priam understood.

His mind resonated with this power. His hearts pulsed with greater intensity than ever before, unleashing phenomenal energy.

Faced with the impending death from Kazuki's attack, Priam roared in defiance.

One heart exploded. Two fists collided.

The flower slowly straightened, supported by Dishnu's magic. Before long, its petals regained their luster, and the drya let out a satisfied sigh. There was nothing quite like a thriving forest.

Beneath them, the roots of nearby trees sensed a tremor. An explosion?

Dishnu turned towards its source, falling into a thoughtful silence for a few moments. It was the direction of Log-a-rhythm.

The drya sighed, hoping the commotion wouldn't draw the attention of any lurking monsters. In Elysium, attracting unwanted notice could be deadly.

Should I go?

After a few seconds of contemplation, the drya shook its head. It was the guardian of the entire forest, and they all relied on it. It couldn't afford to play favorites.

Dishnu's good spirits waned as it leaned towards another ailing flower. There was so much work to be done...

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 398 (+21)

Constitution 646 (+41)

Agility 404 (+6)

Vitality 511 (+3)

Perception 574 (+3)


Vivacity 322 (+1)

Dexterity 412 (+11)

Memory 127

Willpower 599

Charisma 418


Meta-affinity 326

Meta-focus 241

Meta-endurance 173

Meta-perception 107

Meta-chance 216

Meta-authority 12

Potential: 803 (+51)

Tier 0 𝚏𝗿đ—Čew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎đ—č.com

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 176 days 14 hours 35 minutes 56 seconds.

